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After we all leave the nurses office I'm told by my father to go to class as he pretty much drags the boys away. I'm left alone in the deathly quiet hall. I look for my phone and I feel relieved when its in my pocket. I take it and walk straight out of the school feeling no guilt for leaving. As I walk home I hear rustling behind me, I just kept walking but had my eyes and ears peeled open, ready to run or fight back at any moment. Then I saw a figure standing in the road, they were wearing a hoodie and I couldn't see their face but their stance was almost.. feral? I felt weirdly calmed and intrigued so I started forward and managed to notice she had red curly hair before she transform into a fox and sprinted away. A Fox shifter? I didn't even know they existed. I sprinted back to the school like their was no tomorrow and busted into my dads office to see my step mother and another woman. My dad immediately stands and snaps at me to wait in the hall. The shock and hurt I felt must've shown because he immediately tried to apologies but I just left and decided not to say anything. I hid in a random closet for the rest of the day waiting for the school to end. After school ends I find my best friend and text to her about what happened and she either thought I was lying or was in complete panic. She dragged me to my dads office knocking aggressively and I flinch not expecting it. He opens the door about to mouth off to whoever it was but then he sees me and hugs me while apologizing a lot. My response, shamefully and regrettably was to push him away and I started texting him about what happened. You see I like to see the persons response to reading the text which is one of the reasons I track them down and then text them. His response was of absolute terror, he immediately bombarded me with questions I couldn't answer but then out of sheer wanting him to stop i tried to yell and ask to him to stop but the only thing that came out of my mouth was,"Red." I whispered red. When I was born the doctors said Id never be able to speak because of a malformation in my voice box. It shocked everyone. And after I spoke the one word my dad fell in his chair, and I noticed my step mother in tears while the mysterious woman sat their and smirked like she just won. She spoke up and said,"Was this person hooded and have a feral look to their stature? Did you feel calm around them and did their aura feel almost inviting?"

I nodded my head and she ask one last thing that shook me to my very core."Did you ever have a voice in your head you used to talk to when you were younger?" I almost tripped when I backed up a little. I told no one about that. I sprinted out of the room, down the hall and out of the school. I hear yells for someone to stop me and for me to stop. But I didn't and I kept running straight into the woods and for the first time I never felt more free. I kept running and made turns like Id been there before and came to a stop when I saw the hooded figure drinking from a small stream. I step forward and their piercing blue and purple eyes were staring at me. I felt as if Ive always known them.  She stood and walked up to me, I couldn't stop staring into her eyes. I held out my hand like I was going touch her arm but I just held it there in the air by instinct. And she touched my hand the same as mine and we stood in the woods, as I stared into her eyes the woods began to glow and firefly's flew around us and the most prettiest flowers bloomed, the river held sparkles that a person could cry to because of its beauty, and it just felt right to stand in such a beautiful place and she smiles at me knowing I can see it to. A beautiful voice enters my head,"Its wonderful isn't it? Long time no see Bails." I haven't heard her voice in years. And somehow I spoke to her in her mind, it was the easiest thing I've ever done. "Yes it is. Where have you been Belle? I missed you a lot."Before she could respond yelling for me ripped through the air and she retracted her hand and it all dissipated into a normal forest and she ran off without a word. I fell to my knees and felt weak, cold, and very tired. My father sees me and scoops me up in a tight hug. I could feel his worry. He started checking me for wounds until he checks my hands then he starts to panic as I fade into a deep sleep.

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