The stab

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I wake up still in the woods. Laying where he left me. The pain is to unbearable to stand so I start to semi crawl in a random direction. I somehow end up at my house. I muster up what is left of my and pull myself up the steps and softly knock on the door and I'm forced to lean against it as the exhaustion takes over and I slip into a dream. 

As I wake I notice i'm in a box. I start to panic and bang on the wood and dirt slides through. Dirt? Did someone bury me? I start hyperventilating and crying. I couldn't scream. The box felt like it was getting smaller and I start to look around for anything to help me get out and I see this small string. I tug it and I hear a bell ringing above me and panicked screams were heard. the dirt began lifting and I kick open to box when enough dirt was gone and I kinda fall over and cough as the fear slowly leaves my body. My body shakes as I'm pulled out. I looked no one in the eyes. Not even my father who was on the ground next to me trying to rock me and calm me while telling me he was sorry about everything. Then out of the crowed comes Blake. I wanted to scream at him or yell but I froze up and forced myself out of my dads grip and just stared at him as my body shakes. To say I felt vulnerable in the position I was in is an understatement. His eyes flashed to his wolf and he took one step forward and I backed away and ran as fast as possible away, and I hear shocked whispers and a sharp growl behind me. I can hear people running after me. I turn and look and see people out of breath screaming my name. The only person who didn't stop was Blake. and he tackled me as I turned, images of what he did rushed into my head and I screamed and he acted as if he was trying to calm me but halfway through I see his eyes flash and I grew still as he took over and whispered to me to calm down or he will kill me. I looked his wolf in the eyes and took the pocket knife from his back pocket and smirked.

 "Kill me then if your not a little bitch."

His wolf didn't like that and started to strangle me so I waited until someone saw him doing this and I opened the pocked knife and slammed in into the area right below my ribs. The smell of blood threw him off and Blake snapped back into control almost instantly and pulled away. He smelled the blood and really wanted to cringe away but instead his protectiveness took over and he called for help and tried to run me to the hospital. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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