Tag you're it.

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I wake up to my hand burning but I pay no attention to it and sit up. I look about and Im in a hospital that isn't familiar to me. An overwhelming feeling of pain shoot through my hand up my arm, and it causes me to fall to the ground. I start to hyperventilate as something takes over my body and I cant stop it. My body painfully stands up and looks at my father.

"Sometimes its hard to face reality. You may even get mad at me for finding her. You might want to explain to her who her mother is, because if the both of us aren't completely joined by the full moon, you know she will die. And if she dies I will rage hell on all of the world. " The voice echoed in my head. As soon as she was gone my dad runs over in time to catch me. He set me back on the bed and told me to stay here and rest. The second he left a surge of energy shot through me and before I knew it I was dressed and out the window. I was about thirty stories up. As I climbed down I heard a commotion below me and I see people pointing at me. As I near the last level, Blake runs out and practically growled at me to get down. When I got down the urge to run was to strong and I started to run as he gave chase, through the parking lot.

"Leave me alone Blake!" I was out of breath but knew I needed to keep running. He never stopped so I ran into the forest and so did he. We got about 2  miles away from the hospital when he tackled me and pinned me to the ground. I struggled but since he was strong than me and I was laying on my stomach, I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't move his hands and he gripped my throat and tears sprung into my eyes as he tightened his grip. He growled in my ear. He snarled as I struggled more. His wolf came through and he leaned in close to my ear.

"Tag you're it little one."

My eyes widened as I realized what he was about to do.

"N-No. Please no. I-Im not ready for that. Get off!" My voice cracked as the tears fell. I could tell Blake was fighting him by how his eyes kept switching colors and how much he started to squeeze my throat.

"Go away Blake or I kill her." I started to claw at his hands as black dots started to appear in my vision, he loosened but didn't let go. I started to black out and I felt his taunting hands sliding beneath my shirt. He grabbed a handful of the shirt and tore it off of my body. I tried to cover what I could with my semiconscious body but my attempts failed as he just swatted my hands away and he did the same thing with my pants. After I was completely exposed I angered him. "Your not my alpha you worthless piece of shit."

He didn't like this at all, he started to use me and the pain made me cry out and it echoed through the woods and I blacked out. 

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