A First For Everything

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The crying took a lot out of Athena, so she stayed in her room resting until lunch. Miss Peregrine had sent Enoch back in there to get Athena, hoping that maybe they could mend things from earlier.

She didn't even have to look up to know he had entered her room.

"What is it O'Conner?"Her tone was cold and blunt.

"Lunch" he said rolling his eyes.

When she thought he had left, she got up from her perch on the window.

"Ahh!" She screamed at seeing him still standing there.

"Jumpy are we?" His tone was teasing as he leaned against her door frame. As he looked at her, really looked, he took notice of her red puffy eyes.

Oh God what do I do? I'm not supposed to care but like... she's crying wtf do I do?!?

By now she was standing in front of him.

"Are you going to move?"

Yeah Enoch, basic motor functions!

"Whatever," the two rolled their eyes in sync while they walked down to the kitchen together.

Once there, the two grabbed their plates, going their separate ways at their rooms as Enoch went back to his lab while Athena went back to.. well she just went back.

A little while after finishing his lunch, Enoch noticed just how bored he was growing of sitting alone. Normally, Olive was glued to his hip, but even her clinginess got annoying after a good decade of it. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone, but he kind of missed being able to visit Athena hourly like he had been.

After debating with himself for fifteen minutes, he gave up on convincing himself to go talk to her when the angel herself strode through his door. He wouldn't have even noticed her if it weren't for the light tap she did with her knuckle on his door.

"Hey I was taking my plate and I was going to as- wow!" She was stopped mid sentence as she looked around the room at all of the boy's jars. He looked up from his work a tad mortified. This is not how he wanted her finding his peculiarity.

"Are these organs?" she had just picked up a jar holding a sheep heart.

"Hey put that down, it's breakable," he scolded, Scottish accent laced with every word.

She smiled.

Did she just smile? At a sheep's heart?!

"I got that Dr. Hyde." Was she really trying to make a joke with him?

He let a small smirk slip, shaking his head as he looked back down at his work.

She looked over at him, setting down the jar.

"Oooo is that your Frankenstein? Now all you need is a Jekyll."

Of course she knows my favorite book and references it like a nerd. That's just incredible (sarcasm).

Before he realized it, she was peering over his shoulder.

"You're forgetting to connect the femoral artery to that set of veins, without that, you're never getting the homunculi up and running."

He chuckled to himself.

Is this the same girl that just attempted bashing my head in over rations?

"What? I may be old but I know my anatomy." (Athena)

He tisked his tongue at this.

"Basic anatomy rules or not, this is my peculiarity. I know what I'm doing BloodWorth."

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