A Miserable Being

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Current Date: August 21, 1942

It was no surprise Athena got no sleep that night. Once she had thrown up all that was in her, she was forced to lie in bed shaking, occasionally getting up to get a glass of water. Her whole body ached for the substance she had no idea she was even addicted to. The daily couple shots of vodka had become routine, and had been for the past 250 years. She hated it at first, the strong substance, at a time, had to be poured forcefully down her throat. After the first decade or so however, she grew accustomed to it, even needing more than others for it's effects to take hold on her. Now however, in the safe and nurturing home of Miss Peregrine where it wasn't a requirement to get plastered to fall asleep, she was forced to live without it, and boy was that hard on her.

Thankfully, her health wasn't affected by the drinking issue since each day, as the loop was reset, her quality of organs were restored to a time where she had barfed at even the smell of alcohol.

Now however, she lay passed out on her bed, her eyes red and bloodshot as the sun peered through her window pane.

She groaned.

The sound of kids could be heard running down the hallway, she even heard the dead-riser's door open and close as his feet shuffled down the hallway. She thought he would just continue on with the others, but no, he allowed his hand to gently grace her door.

"Go away dead-riser," She called, face still planted in the comforter.

"It's time for breakfast BloodWorth," his tone was annoyed but his actions screamed that he cared.

Athena didn't like the feeling he gave her. The funny fluttering in her stomach and the rise in body temperature made her uncomfortable.

Stop it Athena. You don't feel shit, you're numb, remember?

She did her best to shake off whatever this emotion was that enveloped her senses. She didn't need love, nor did she want it. Loving somebody only ever slowed her down.

Enoch on the other hand, barged into her room, quickly adverting his eyes at the half naked girl.

"God Bloodworth, there's these things called pants, wear them."

Athena groaned, rolling over to face the boy.

His eye's went wide at the sight of her. Her hair was up in some sort of messy bun, her face drained of any color it might have already attained. He was worried for the sight he saw before him.

"I don't dress for you, I dress for myself. Besides, I thought we went over this last night. This is all I've got."

Enoch stared blankly at her. The girl rolled her eyes, but quickly palmed her forehead as a migraine came on from the action.

"Just get out dead-riser. Miss Peregrine knows I won't be joining."

But Enoch didn't move. His thoughts were spinning.

Is she drunk? Is she high? Is she sick? ... Is she ok?

Athena sighed, curling back up in the blankets and covers as she covered her eyes.

"Can you tell the sun to shut up on your way out? It's light is too loud."

Enoch was even more confused.

She's high, she's high af.

Hurrying down the stairs, Enoch approached Miss Peregrine at the head of the table.

"Miss Peregrine.." He began.

The woman beamed up at him.

"What is it Enoch?"

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