Fire and Ice

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AN: New Trigger Warning- Burning, Unintentional Self Harm, and PTSD Episode

Athena quickly fell asleep as she entered the third act of her book. She allowed the four pm sun to envelope her in it's warmth as the book fell closed in her lap, the only thing marking the page was her right thumb. She was so taken by sleep that she hadn't noticed Miss Peregrine's return with the new boy, who's raven black hair shimmered as the sun's rays danced across it. His build was close to that of a stick- lanky and long. There was little meat on his bones, almost as if he had been starved. On his long sleeved tan button up was a gold star patch that had been sewn into the material. His piercing blue eyes however, were what caught one's attention. The deep blue hue sparkled in the bright light surrounding him. They made you feel safe, cared for. Athena however, saw none of this.

It wasn't until she heard faint voices coming down the hall that she finally stirred. Sitting up groggily, she took in her surroundings, looking down at her gold wristwatch.

4:16 pm

She did her best to return to her book, but she couldn't seem to focus as the voices grew louder. Finally giving up, she set down her book, folding down the corner as she scooted herself onto her bed. Upon closer investigation, she groaned in realization. It was Olive, and she was seemingly leading an unfamiliar voice down the hall. 

"This here is Athena's room, but you wouldn't want to bother her. She's usually very moody and agitated. Best to stay out of her way."

This made Athena's blood boil. She just wanted to make a good impression on the boy, and here Olive was screwing over any chance she had of that. 

"Right back at you Satan!" She yelled in response. She wished she could have seen Olive's reaction, but she knew it was probably something along the lines of a knowing look. 

"That's the ice queen for you." Olive stated bluntly. This only induced the rage within Athena. She hated the name. It made her sound inhuman, heartless. But wasn't she? She shattered Enoch's fragile heart, she went behind her best friend's back, her only friend's back. 

Athena's eyes clouded over in red as she felt she know longer had control over her emotions. Hoping off her bed, she threw open the door to see Olive standing right there, mischievous grin on her face. She knew that would draw her out of hiding, knew it would push her buttons just enough to make her snap.

"Let's see whose laughing when I forever freeze your heart and watch all of your organ systems slowly fail. It would be a long and painful death, though, it would be ironic that a person of all things hot and chaotic froze to death." 

Athena hadn't noticed the new boy standing off to her right that watched her wide eyed and in fear. No, she only watched Olive's emotions play on her face. The girl was fearful, but she also was trying her best to be intimidating.

"Wanna put it to the test? Everyone knows fire melts ice." Her comment was snide, but Athena only scoffed.

"And Cyrokentics are more powerful than Pyros. Stay in your lane Elephanta." Athena's voice was a low growl as she took in Olive's hateful glare. The only thing playing on her lips however, was a devilish smirk. 

What happened next shocked Athena. Olive removed her gloves and placed her hand on Athena's neck, watching the skin sizzle beneath it. As she removed it from the skin, Athena's neck was pink and bloody as parts of her skin remained stuck to Olive's hand. Athena shriek in pain, her wails loud and intense as her vocal chords vibrated with the air being released. 

"YOU BITCH!!" Athena screamed, her eyes watering in the immense pain she was experiencing. She still felt the hand there, even though it had long since been removed. 

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