Chapter 1

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Carly's POV
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was my manager, Brian.
"Hey Brian, what's up?" I say answering my phone.
"Hi Carly! Are you up for an audition as a new lead on Supernatural?"
"Sure! Where and when do i need to be?"
"I'm going to pick you up in an hour. be ready."
"Ok! Later, Brian." I hung up my phone.
I walk up to my room and do my hair and makeup. Afterwards, I put on a dress that hugs everyone of my curves. I want to look good, yet make a good first impression.
***one hour later
My manager honks his car horn and I walk out to the car. we drive to the studio where supernatural was being filmed. The writer and producers watched my audition. I was auditioning for a girl named Jennifer. She is the girl who steals Dean Winchesters heart.
"That was really good, Carly. We will call you tomorrow on our decision for you." I thank them and walk out.
When I get home I get a call from my manager.
"So how'd it go?"
"They're calling me tomorrow."
"Okay have a good night."
"Thanks you too." With that I hung up the phone.
After I hang up the phone, I get a call from the producers of supernatural.
"Hello Carly."
"Hi. I thought you guys weren't calling me till tomorrow."
"Well we weren't going to but we decided to give you the part  and we were wondering if you could come in tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning so we can start shooting."
"Of course see y'all tomorrow." I hung up the phone took a shower and went to bed.

The next day
I woke up at 3:15 since I only lived 30 minutes away from the studio and it wouldn't take me very long since they were going to be doing my hair and makeup. I get to the studio and I meet the crew. Once I met the crew, I try to find my trailer. I find my trailer and I look to see where I'm supposed to go first-- hair and makeup.
I walk out of my trailer and bump into someone.
"I'm so sorry." I say as I look up at him.
"Hey, no it's fine. don't worry about it, I should watch where I'm going." He chuckles. "I'm Jensen by the way." He holds out his hand with a smile.
I shake his hand and return the smile.
"Carly. Carly Daniel."
"Well, Carly Daniel, where are you headed?"
"To hair and makeup."
"Hey so am I! Come on I'll walk you there."
"Thanks." We start to make our way.
"Of course. So,  Carly have you seen the show before?"
I smile from ear to ear, "Oh yeah. I'm a huge fan. It's just I'm an actress, so you know I'm not nervous to talk to you like most people." I say with a giggle. Jensen nods.
"So who are you playing on the show?" He asked as we opens the door to the hair and makeup trailer.
"I play Jennifer Adams. She is the love interest for Dean Winchester."
"So it sounds like I'll be seeing you around more then."
I lightly blush at the thought, "Yeah I guess so."

I sit in the makeup chair while Jensen sits in the hair chair. I think to myself, "Holy crap. I'm Jensen's love interest. Holy Crap."

You stole my heart (a Jensen ackles story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu