Most secret Truth?

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In another profound verse from the Geeta, Krishna says, "Bhagwaan and his wisdom, no matter how well expressed in the scriptures, are ever hidden from the sense-identified intellect of the material beings. Materialists can not hold this vast ocean of truth in their small cups of understanding and consciousness."

"Only by intuitive realisation can one wholly grasp such wisdom as to how human actions are subtly influenced by divine decree, cosmic nature and human Karma."

"This wisdom is considered most secret because truth fully unveils its mysteries only in the advanced devotee's self-realised state; Where the perception is not through the intellect but throught the direct experience of the soul."

"O Arjuna, never misuse your power of free choice! Determine to increase the power of intuition through Yoga, by which you can percieve this deep wisdom."

"Use your freewill to meditate again and again on the soul, so that you realise that all secret truths of existence and creation lie within you alone."

"By concentrating on Bhagwaan in deepest communion, surrendering eagerly and unreservedly one's whole being to Him, one shall become established in supreme peace and find eternal freedom in Him."

"Surrender unto Me. Give away all your doubts, delusions and miseries and I shall deliver you for sure. Do not grieve or fear for I will save you from sin and bondage."

Shri Krishna has done a great favour to the beings of Kaliyuga by expounding this sacred knowlege of self-realisation just before the onset of Kaliyuga.

Moreover, he gifted us the serene science of Bhakti Yoga, which is the easiest and most charming path towards self-realisation.

Let's make a modest effort to read the Geeta with the eyes of a genuine seeker and gain whatever we can, without criticising any verse.

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