cHaPtEr 1

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Narcissa hated those moments... those moments, when she was too weak to held back her feelings, her emotions... her herself... she was in her seventh year, and almost done with school... she should be Happy, because she had everything... top marks, she had been Seeker for her team and also Captain. She had been Prefect, she was Head Girl, she had a perfect reputation, and she was engaged... so technically, she had had have everything she ever wanted. Except for Love.

Was she not worthy to find true Love?! Or at least let her heart chose?!

Well... her heart already chose, and she knew that... but she would never be able to follow her heart... her deepest desire...

Lucius was already done with school, and they were writing letters. At least a letter in two months... she didn't put too much in it, because he was a man after all, and perhaps men weren't writing that much...

She was afraid of that marriage, because she didn't love him, and she was sure, he didn't love her either.

Arranged marriages... Salazar which arse invented such stupidity...?! She often- No, she always asked herself that Question, but deep inside of her she knew, she won't ever her an answer...

She left the ladie's room just in time, before someone could wonder what she was doing in there so long. As if there was a schedule for using the bathroom... she rolled her eyes at that thought, and continued her way, when someone walked into her.

She gasped in surprise, books fell on the floor, and Lily Evans was muttering some excuses, while picking up her books.

A strange looking book cought Narcissa's attention, and she picked it up by herself, but before she could ask, or say something, a few older Slytherins passed their way.

„Narcissa, is the Mudblood annoying you?!"

„Has it touched you?!" the other student asked, but without saying another word, Narcissa just walked away, waving her wand, so the both of them lost their trousers.

She looked back at Lily, winked and went around the next corner...

The nights in the Slytherin Girl's Dorm were... with on single word to discribe: silent.

Every curtain was closed, and Narcissa was sure every girl in the room was using a notice-me-not spell, such as herself. She didn't care what they are doing, even though it was obvious sometimes... she didn't blame them... how could she, if she is also doing it by herself from time to time...

She pulled out Lily's book from her school robes, where she had hidden it since the boys had seen them, and looked at it.

"The Beauty and the Beast..." it read, and she was asking herself, how on earth a Beauty can even consider to fell in Love with a Beast, but her own Curiosity won, and she read it the whole night...

Lucky about the next day was Saturday, she was sleeping a bit longer, before she went to breakfast... after that she went into the library, hoping she would find Lily there... of course she was there, and like always, she was alone...

Narcissa looked around, wrote something on a little piece of parchment, folded it into a bird, and let it fly to Lily, who took it, and read it...

„Narcissa...?" she could hear Lily's voice a bit later in the room of requirement, and looked around a book shelf. Lily approached her, and asked: „Why do you asked me to come here...?"

„That we could talk in private of course... here." she said, handing Lily back her book, what looked as good as new. Lily looked up at her, and Narcissa said: „I repaired the cover..."

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