You Have Your Friends

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The snow fell from the sky as lightly began to blanket the area with a sheet of white powder. The night air was cold and crisp, free of any wind other than the occasional small gust. The cloudless sky revealed the stars in all their bright glory, helping to iluminate the darkness that was cast of the city. Several black SUVs pulled to a stop in the alley beside the construction site. The large shell of abuilding stretched up into the sky, competeing with the nearby structures. The unfinished interior was filled with wide open rooms and tarps covering the areas still missing walls and windows. Construction equipment and gear littered the work site, nearly every level contained the rements of an unfinished task. Su Waan and his men caustiously climbed the many vacant levels until they reached the group of gangsters waiting for them. The two groups kept their distance at first, each sizing the other up for a battle that might ensue. Su Waan looked to the men across from him and internally tore away at himself, he hated going to the enemy for help.

"Thanks for coming under good faith." Ringo began as he stepped out from his men and moved closer toward his counterpart. Su Waan clenched his jaw and remained quiet, not acknowledging any sign of peace between the two orginzations.

"I realize that our two...families haven't exactly seen eye to eye lately." Ringo continued as he addressed the man directly in front of him.

"Is that what you call raiding my people's businesses?" Su Waan angerly countered, causing his men to tense up and prepare for things to turn bad. Ringo's men took notice of the change in body lagauge from the group standing across from them.

"That was at the hands of a few greedy and idiotic indivuals who are no longer associated with us, that I can assure you." Ringo quickly replied, waving for his men to stay calm. Su Waan halfheartedly listened, know that the man was more than likely attempting to save himself from making a mistake of attacking an enemy when there was in fact a worse enemy after them both.

"We may not agree on things, but we're both targets now. This new mask ain't like the Arrow, he won't stop until we're dead...and I for one ain't goin' down without a fight. Even if that means takin' this whole city with me." Ringo explained, pointing to the surrounding buildings as he stepped closer to the Triad leader.

"Now, we don't have to be friends...but if we wanna survive than we gotta fight together." Ringo added, speaking only to Su Waan as the two men stood directly next to one another now. Su Waan sighed as he considered the man's offer, knowing that he was right. The new vigilante had shown no signs of stopping and had already proven himself to be a force to be wreckened with multiple times.

"What do you suggest?" Su Waan reluctantly asked, atleast allowing the man to explain his plan before any decisions were made.

"Standing still for one." Visceral began as he appeared from the edge of the room with his bow drawn and aiming toward the two men.

"Makes it easier for me." He added, releasing the arrow as the two men ducked for cover and narrowly avoided the passing projectile. Both groups of gangsters snapped into action, raising their weapons toward the masked vigilante as they rushed his position. Visceral ducked back behind the wall and dove off the open ledge as the area behind him exploded from the massive amount of concentrated gunfire. He landed on the level below and rolled into cover as the gangsters reached the ledge and opened fire again. A few men jumped down to follow after him, each keeping their weapons ready as they entered the unfinished office area. The short hallways connected to one another via numerous inersecting pathways, creating a strange maze. The men slowly seperated and moved into the hallways, scanning every direction for their enemy. They each passed the first intersection at the same time, spotting each other quickly before returning their attention to their search. They reached the second intersection and noticed that one of the men wasn't among them anymore. The remaining two gunmen froze as they locked terrified gazes with one another. They quickly snapped in different directions upon realing that they were being hunted. A single arrow struck one of the men in the back, causing him to arch backwards before dropping to the floor. The remaining man turned toward his dead comrade and nervously began to back away, keeping his eyes scanning for his enemy. Visceral struck the man's feet out from under him with his bow, knocking the man to his back. His gun skidded away as he looked up at the masked man standing over him. Visceral calmly fired a bolt from his crossbow gauntlet into the man's chest, killing him instantly.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now