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I unlocked the door to my room and put my flowers in a vase before sitting on my bed and skimming through the newspaper. What was I looking for? I was looking for a message, a coded message from my mother. Suddenly I saw what looked like a coded message - llohe loane, sims em? Emet em ta het karetm ta vife mp, motrowwo - dsmenaho orld coopinom- My thoughts were racing, was it for me? was it from mother?? I had to find out. I raced to my desk and got out a pencil and paper.




----- A/N: See if you can solve this message XD------




I had uncoded the message in 2 minutes and I knew it was not from mother, It was a simple coded message that was easy to uncode, just scrambled words, and i knew Mother would do something more hard. Here's what I came up with.. -Hello Enola, Miss me? Meet me at the market at five pm, tomorrow- handsome lord incompoop-  

My heart stopped, the words 'handsome lord incompoop' rang through my head. Only one person would sign that name, and I knew who.  

A/N: Sorry guys this chapter was sooo short! But I had to leave it at a cliff hanger, muhahaha! Anyway who sent the message? I bet u guys know, its pretty simple! XD, Well hope you guys liked it chapter! Dont forget to Vote and comment what you think! Luv yall!

- ♡Snowpool♡

Enola  X Tewksbury - Together Always -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora