Eight- Lost Messages

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A/N: HEy guyss.. IM SO SORRYY I have not posted in YEARS .. Ok its only been like 2 weeks BUT SORRYYYYY, Im not surprised if u have forgotten about me ;-; anyway Im blabbing XD welp happy reading- and THIS ONE IS LONGER :D

The next day was mostly looking around the castle with Tewkesbury. Trying to solve the mystery. We barely talked to one another, and only shared a few words with each other. Honestly I wanted to talk to him, but how could I? I mean, after 6 months he doesn't bother talking to me and all of a sudden, he popped out of of nowhere and FINALLY talks to me and you know why? BECAUSE HIS COUSIN! Its not that I mind being a detective for Amy, I like her. 

As it was getting late, he walked me to my room, I muttered a 'Thanks' and was about to walk in when he suddenly said " Enola this is dumb"

I turned to him, confused and mad "What is dumb" 

He glared at me "The fact that YOUR mad at me, when technically I should be mad at you" He said in a "OBVIOUSLY" tone

"What do you mean?" I said almost yelling now " Your the one who does not talk to me AT ALL, or bother to send a letter, that is until you NEED me as you detective! Is that what I am to you??? A personal detective??" 

"What do you mean?" he said quietly "I sent you notes everyday, your the one who never answered, that's why I was surprised when you came" 

He made sense, maybe that's why his mom was also surprised and kinda rude to me...but I was to stubborn to believe it "Liar"

"why do you think I'm lying" he yelled 

"Because- none of your other 'letters' came and suddenly the one where you need my help came" I yelled, 

"Because I sensed that one coded- not the other ones" 

I refused to believe, I was burning with rage. He was a liar, a big liar, I felt tears forming at the corner of my eyes, I would not let him see me cry. "Just go, Tewkesbury" I said looking away 

"But Enol-" He protested 

"JUST GO" I yelled 

He looked at me with sadness, anger, and confusion in his eyes and walked away. 

I began crying, I hated him..why did I hate him do much? I hated him because he made me cry.. he made me feel a way I had only felt once when he never send me letters, I had only felt that way when my mother left me. I had promised myself I would never feel so sad, so hopeless, ever again.. My mother told me to never cry because of a boy, to never feel hopeless and alone because of a boy.. but I cried because of him and I felt that horrible way because of him, and I hated that so much, so I hated him. It was not fair, but I could not help it. 

  Suddenly I felt arms around me- I turned and saw Amy. 

"Amy?" I said 

"Sorry." she whispered "I couldn't help but over hear.. Enola, Tewkesbury is not lying," she smiled "You know he talked about you alot and sended you letters almost everyday.. and he was heartbroken when you never answered"

"But.. I never got them.." I slobbed

Her eyes widened "Then what happened to them?" 

"I don't know"

She shook her head "It does not matter right know.. What matters is that you make up.."

But how? How could I forgive him for making me feel so hopeless, a feeling I hate. 

"Please do it Enola.. I can't see you two like this" She smiled sadly "Goodnight"

"Good night" I said quietly. As she left, I turned and went back into my room. I flopped down on my bed. As I curled up under my blanket, I closed my eyes, trying to sleep. I shuffled around the bed, twisting and turned, trying to get comfortable. I groaned, UGH, why cant I SLEEEPPPPP????


It had been 10 minutes, and I was still wide awake, I sighed It was hopeless, I knew what I had to do.. I slowly got out of bed and out of my room. I walked down the halls and saw him. Tewkesbury was in the library siting on a chair, I slowly walked over, "hey" I whispered

He looked up surprised "Hey"

"Can i sit?" I asked and sat down next to him as he nodded yes. 

"Look.. I guess I sorta over reacted a bit earlier" I said softly 

"Yeah me too.. why did you never reply to my letters?" 

"I never got them.. but even so how did I get the one where you told me to meet you at the market?"

"well that one was coded on a newspaper.."

"badly coded may I add" I teased

"Heyy" He said, fake pouting

I laughed and soon he joined. He glanced at me giving me a smile and made me feel all warm ins- ew no enola! SNAP OUT OF IT!

"So are we good?" 

I smiled nodding and did something a never thought I would to, I leaned over and gave him a hug, he seemed a bit surprised at first but soon hugged back, it felt good to be friends again- okay HES MY FRIEND STOP BULLYING ME ;-; , and to hug him, there I said it. Happy?

We slowly pulled away, and I let out a yawn, "Well we should go to bed-" I groaned "I can finally get some good sleep"

"aww" he teased "You lose sleep because of me? Im flattered" 

I turned red and playfully slapped his arm "Shut up" I got up "I'm going to bed" 

As I headed out of the library I heard Tewkesbury "'Night Enola"

I smiled with out turning around "Good night" 


I once again flopped onto my bed but this time I was happy. I was glad that me and Tewkesbury were in good terms again, I had missed him. I sighed, and turned to my side, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into sleep.  

A/N: WHAT DID U THINKK?? Enola and Tewks and friends again :D yay hope u enjoyed - Plz, comment ur thoughts , vote, and follow 
Love you people,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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