Chapter 5: The Past

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Author's POV
Inspired by batman's story :) but I changed some things hehe, that's all bye~

No one's POV
(Note:In this chapter Y/n is 10 years old)
Y/n: Mommy, Daddy can we buy an ice cream on our way home?
Dad:you don't have to tell me twice, after all we should celebrate the fact that you're the top 1 in your class!
Mom: we're so proud of you sweetheart
Dad:oh look! There's an ice cream truck right there!
Mom: let's go buy ice cream
When they went to the ice cream truck.
Ice cream seller:good afternoon sir and ma'am,do you want ice cream?
Mom:yes please! 3,um... What would you all like?
Y/n:cookies and cream!
Dad:3 cookies and cream ice cream please
Ice cream seller:on the way ma'am and sir
While the ice cream seller is preparing their ice ceams. Y/n spotted a black cat meowing behind her.
Y/n:awww hey kitty~
Her mom and dad was busy chatting with each other so they didn't notice. Then the black cat ran away.
Y/n:hey wait up!
When Y/n shouted and ran after the black cat, at the same time the ice cream was just prepared and they were about to give the other one to Y/n when they saw her running.
Dad:Y/n! Where are you going?
They started going after her which led to a dark alley. The kitty went up the roof and Y/n can no longer reach her.
Mom:Y/n don't run away like that ever again!
Y/n:sorry Mom
Dad: here's your ice cream
Y/n:tnx Dad
Dad:now let's go home
???:not so fast!
They turned around to see that there's a guy blocking the exit way,then there's another voice of a guy heard from the opposite direction.
???: there's no way out now~
They said aiming the gun at Y/n's parents.
???: where's the money?!
Dad:we don't have money! Let us go!
Y/n:Dad! No!
Her dad fell on the ground with a bullet hole in his head. Y/n cried harder because of wotnessing this tragedy
???:take her!
Mom:let me go!
Y/n:Mommy! Ah!
The guy held her mom while the other one held Y/n.
???:watch closely on what happens when we don't get what we want...
Y/n: mommy...ah!
The guy slide a knife and made a wound on Y/n's skin on her arm.
Y/n:please stop!
Mommy:stop hurting my child!
Her mother trying to get out of his grip to save her daughter but instead she also got killed.
???: I've had enough!
She got stabbed in her back and the last thing she saw is her daughter crying
Y/n:Mommy! No!
She fell on the ground a meter apart from her husband.
???:now for you kid!
He was about to stab Y/n but then police came.
???:sh*t! run!
They left Y/n and she was rescued by the police. There were actually a rich couple walking by and heard a gunshot so they called a police. They also followed them through the alley and saw Y/n, they felt pity for the girl and decided to do something.
Few Days Later
The criminals are not yet found and Y/n is at the hospital. She was in her room staring at the ceiling remembering how those 2 guys killed her parents. She became very shy, emotionless and scared to meet people, even the doctor and nurses, and when she needs to have a check up and needs to go to the other room she would be scared because just like before, she followed the cat her parents got killed. After her bruises got healed,she was sent to an orphanage and she started leaving there but she doesn't have any friends.

Few Years Later
???what a weird girl?
???:yeah,all she does is just stare at that toy she has
???:wait,what if her soul has been switched with the toy?!
???:stop with your nonsense, there's no such thing like that
Then someone came
Orphan Owner:Kids! We have visitors!
When the visitors came,they were greeted.
All:Good Morning!
Mr and Mrs Lee:Good Morning!
Orphan Owner:you can pick whoever you like!
Mrs Lee:hmm,what do you think hunny?
Mr Lee:well...hmm...
He looks at the kids picking which one they'll adopt until Mrs. Jung noticed someone.
Mrs Lee: um who is that? Why does she look lonely?
Orphan Owner:well ma'am she has a terrible backstory, I'll tell you in another room...
After explaining
Mrs Lee:oh my gosh how tragic!
Mr Lee:how can she witness that in such a young age?!
Mrs Lee:hun can we adopt her?
Mr Lee:of course, she'll recover quickly if someone's there to love and take care of her
Orphan Owner:ok then ma'am and sir, I'll get the papers
Few minutes later
Orphan Owner:Y/n,please follow me
Y/n quietly followed her. Then she was brought to a room.
Mrs Lee:hey Y/n sweetie
Y/n looked at them with emotionless eyes.
Mrs Lee:oh dear...
Mr Lee:can you leave us alone? We're going to just have a little chit chat with her
Orphan Owner:of course
When she left.
Mrs Lee: don't worry, you're safe with us now darling?

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try making longer ones in the future. That's all, thank you for reading this story and votes are greatly appreciated thank you, bye~

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