6th December- Adam's Family

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"Two murders have been reported on the same day. Police are still unsure whether they're somehow related, as no evidence has been found as yet. We are still looking into the cases, so we ask you to stay calm and not to panic."

"You don't think they'll find out it was us, will they, mother?" Sarah asked, staring at the TV screen. Mariam stroked her head, running her fingers through her daughter's silky hair.
"Don't worry, my love. They won't find out. As long as you keep our special Christmas dinner a secret." She tapped Sarah's nose, bringing a little giggle from her. "After all, it's Christmas. What Santa doesn't know won't hurt him."
"Is Adam coming this year?" Sarah suddenly asked. Mariam sighed.
"No, my love. Your brother is staying with his friend and his family for Christmas. He said he needed some time to practice using his chainsaw."
"At least it's a good use of time." She added.
"Yes. Yes, it is. Now who wants to open some presents?"
"I do! I do!" Sarah exclaimed and leapt down from her mother's lap, bounding across the room. Mariam smiled proudly as she watched her child go. Only six, and on the perfect path to becoming a murderer.

"Here you go, my love." Jacob smiled, passing a gift to Mariam. She looked at the thin package and shook it gently, trying to identify what could be inside. She undressed the gift, and her eyes widened. "A new set of throwing knives." She breathed, the blades of the little knives glinting dangerously. She turned to her husband. "You know me so well."
"I got you a present too!" Sarah proclaimed. She brought out a long, heavy item swathed in black wrapping paper. Her mother took and unwrapped it.
"The newest model of double-edged serrated-blade machete!" She cried in delight.
"Sarah stole it herself from one of the hunters out in the woods." Jacob announced proudly.
"Oh, Sarah, you brilliant little girl!" Praise was something Sarah enjoyed, and she grinned back at her mother.
"Can we give Father our presents now?"
"Of course. This one's for you, Jacob, dear." Mariam reached under the Christmas tree and handed a small gift wrapped in silver paper to her husband. He took it from her gratefully.
"I wonder what this could be." He mused as he peeled off the wrapping paper. Inside was a little box. Jacob raised an eyebrow and opened the lid. His eyes lit up in glee. "A vial of arsenic! Thank you, my love. You really outdid yourself this year." He leaned over and planted a kiss on his wife's cheek. She chuckled.
"Only the best for you."
Sarah grimaced in disgust. "Mother, can I have my present now?"
"First you have to give your father yours, honey."
"Fine." Sarah huffed. She handed him a large, bulkier package. Jacob took it and weighed it in his hands.
"Is this what I think it is?" He grinned. Sarah giggled in response.
"Open it! Open it!"
"A stuffed head! Did Santa let you in on my Christmas list?" Jacob smirked, ruffling his daughter's hair.
"Where are you going to hang it?" Mariam asked.
"We can hang it next to Grandma's head. There's enough space there."
"Can I open my presents yet?" Sarah whined. Jacob nodded. He exchanged a glance with Mariam, who nodded. They both took hold of a gift and passed it to their daughter. Sarah tore open the wrapping paper, and screamed in delight.
"It's my first knife!" She yelled, and picked it up, running in circles.
"Darling, maybe you shouldn't run around with a knife until we've taught you how to use it." Jacob suggested. Sarah pouted. There was a loud twang as a knife embedded itself in the wall, inches from his face. Mariam grinned approvingly at her daughter. "Okay, you know how to use it." He decided, and took the knife out of the wall. "You're taking after your mother already, aren't you?"
A loud series of pounding at the door put a halt to their conversation. There was a crash as their door was kicked down.
"Looks like Christmas is being cut short!" Mariam said. "They found us."
"Sarah, my sweet, are you ready to put that knife of yours to use?" The family exchanged a glance, and armed themselves just as a group of policemen swarmed into the room.
"Drop your weapons and put your hands above your head. We have you surrounded. If you surrender, we won't need to hurt you." The family didn't move. Sarah gripped her knife so tightly that her knuckles turned white.
The loud smash of glass indicated to a fourth person's arrival.
"Adam! You came!" Mariam cheered as her son climbed through the window.
"What can I say? My stay was cut short and I heard you guys were in need of a hand."
"How did you know?"
"It was on the news. Pretty hard to ignore."
"Well, you're just in time."
"We repeat, put your weapons down and we won't fire." One of the policemen cut in, raising her gun.
"Pity," Adam revved his chainsaw, grinning wickedly. "We were just getting started."

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