8th December- Behind The Glass

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Ella woke up. She thought maybe she'd heard something. She listened for a second in the darkness. Nope - nothing. She turned back to the wall and closed her eyes. It was really, really hard to sleep again when it was so near Christmas. Santa was probably saddling up reindeers or bagging presents. Her imagination ran in that vein until she dozed off again.
She woke again with a start. Huh, well. That dream... she furrowed her brow. It was strange, because the dream had been so vivid, but she couldn't remember a second of it. She shivered, partly from the cold, partly from something else. Something about a - a-
Ella gave up and bounded down the stairs as quietly as she could. It was still early and nobody was awake. She had 5 older siblings (not including Daniella who was at college) - three brothers and two sisters. Mum and dad always slept in on weekends so they wouldn't hear a thing. She paused at the doorway to the sitting room/kitchen. It was drafty down here, and she hugged her elbows. Maybe there's something edible down here. Ella went to the mantelpiece, where there was usually a box of shortbread. She frowned in confusion - there was something about the mantelpiece that was different. Off, somehow.
She shrugged and looked in the tin. It was disappointingly empty - but that was when she realised what it was. There was a generic, dime-a-dozen snow globe sitting innocuously by the tin. Ella was positive they hadn't had a snow globe before. She shivered. Dad said they were too tacky, and Mum thought they were ridiculous. Mum never saw the point in trinkets; she always valued function over style. So how come this one had made its way here?
Ella reached into the box and took it out. It felt smooth in her hands. Ella gave it a little shake, and her eyes followed the glitter as it billowed around the little figures inside it. She peered into the glass sphere. She was shocked to see something looking back at her.
Two wide eyes, full of fear, stared at her through the glass. She shrieked and dropped the snow globe, which shattered into tiny shards at her feet. Ella watched as the liquid inside the glass spilled out onto the floor, creeping out in every direction. The puddle stopped growing for a second, before it started moving again. Moving towards her.
She stumbled backwards, away from the liquid that crept towards her. She felt her back bump against a wall. From then on, Ella could only watch in horror as the liquid came closer, and closer, towards her.

Two faces were inside the snow globe, eyes wide in terror, screaming inaudibly. Lines and lines of these trinkets were resting on shelves which seemed to stretch out forever. Muffled yells filled the air. Ella had only been another soul added to the collection.

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