21st December- Have A Sweet Flight

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The airplane soared high above the sparkling lights of the city. Jenna sat on the first class seat, her head rested on her hand. She gazed out of the window into the starless night sky. Nobody else was here, and she was all alone. Only a few other passengers on the plane. It was Christmas Eve, so of course everyone would be with their families.
      She should have been with her family tonight, she thought sourly. Her 2 kids had been most upset when she told them she was leaving for Christmas, though she had promised to come back as soon as possible to celebrate with them the next day. For some reason, Jenna was exhausted. Her plane ride was relevantly quick (or at least no longer then 2 hours), but what would come after would be even more tiring. She wasn't quite sure if she'd have the energy to stay awake for it. She had to have a dinner business meeting with her boss and colleagues (a tedious 3 hours at least) until she could rest her head on the cushion of her bed on the hotel she booked in.
      She did have to admit that first class was grand. The chairs, which were more similar to sofas, were white and spotless. There was soft music playing in the background, a jazz version of Jingle Bells, a Christmas poster advertising candy canes and a small, neat round table infront of her, though it held nothing at the moment. She could hear the gentle hum of the plane's engines. But, as nice as it was, she didn't like it. It was too clean, and definitely didn't make up for missing Christmas Eve with her family.
      She heard the squeak of wheels behind her and turned to look behind her. It was a flight assistant, pushing a trolley full of snacks, drinks, and the odd magazine.
     "Would you like anything, miss?" The flight attendant asked politely. He looked quite nervous to Jenna. Perhaps he was new at the job. She decided not to overwork him.
     "Just a coffee, thanks." She said with a smile, ignoring the empty pit in her stomach. Besides, she was going to a large dinner later on.
     "Of course. Although if you're hungry for something bigger I can go check if we have anything at the back. I might be a few minutes. Do you want anything else? Uh- since it's Christmas Eve, we have a Christmas special today- they're, uh," the flight assistant dug around in his pockets, searching for something. "Sorry," he mumbled, before pulling out a slip of paper. "Gingerbread cookies." He finally announced.
      Jenna contemplated his offer for a moment. She didn't want to eat too much as a result of her oncoming meal, but the desperate expression on the young man's face convinced her otherwise.
     "Oh, alright then." She said. The flight attendant seemed to relax.
     "While you wait would you like to pay, miss?" Jenna nodded. She took out her credit card and tapped it on the credit card receiver as the receipt beeped out. Then the flight assistant walked away, pushing the trolley with him.

Jenna gazed out of the window, it was unbelievably dark already, even though it was only 6:30. Then again, it was winter, and she should be used to it by now. Jenna reached over to pull down the blinds on the plastic window so she could rest her eyes. Then she saw something. She stopped, squinting out of the window.
There was a shadow outside. And it was shaped like a hand, pressing on her window. Jenna gasped and slammed down the window blinds. She was just tired and hallucinating now. Just to check, she opened the blinds, just a crack. Nothing.
She was just being silly and good have peace of mind. Or maybe something she'd eaten. Best not to think about it. She closed her eyes and reclined against the seat. Then she heard something. A banging sound. Banging on the outside of the plane. And she wasn't in aligning it. But that was impossible. The banging stopped. Jenna could hear her heart racing in her ears. Then it began again. This time, on the inside of the plane.
      Jenna squeezed her eyes shut, as if that would make the noise go away. Nothing could have gotten on the plane. Not this high up. Unless... it had always been on it. But on the outside of the plane? How?
      She heard quiet footsteps. Jenna whipped her head around. Nothing was there. And yet she couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone- something- in here with her. That she wasn't quite alone.
     "Hello?" She said. Her voice came out as a whisper. Her only reply was silence. She felt breath on the back of her neck. A cold hand on her arm. "Stop it!" She yelled suddenly. The hand vanished, as did the breath on her neck. Looking around, she was definitely alone in here. She breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes.
      Freezing hands clamped over her mouth and nose. Jenna's eyes shot open. She couldn't breathe. She tried shouting, but it was useless. Only muffled screams escaped her throat. She could only look as- as silly as it may sound- the sharpened end of a candy cane neared her neck. A muted wail rang through the first class area. Then there was only the rumble of the airplanes engine.

     "Here is the coffee and gingerbread, miss." The flight assistant said, looking from hand to hand and trying not to drop anything. He looked up to find the table. The coffee spilled on his boots, and the plate he was holding shattered on the floor. What had once been once a white sofa was drenched in crimson blood. Two candy canes pierced the flesh of Jenna's neck.

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