


On my way home my phone rang. I slowed down and quickly looked over in the passenger seat to find my phone. Once I had ahold of it I quickley hit answer and put the phone on speaker.


"Hey how did it go?"

"Good he drank it with no problem should be heading to bed soon."

"Good he didn't suspect anything when you left?"

"Nope but then again I am his best friend of two years" I chuckled

"Good. Now all we need to do is wait"

"Yup see you soon"


I quickly hung up continuing on my way happily humming along to the radio.


Harry was getting back in the car from the last collection we had. It had been a long day full of collections and drug delivery's. I was ready to just go home and go to bed but as always when there is collections we all have to go back to the house and count it all and verify we didn't get scammed or miss anyone.

"So boys back to the house so we can count all this and then Jake you are free to go home." Harry said once he was settled in the car.

We all nodded in agreement before he started the car and drove off. It was a relatively quiet drive back just the hum of the cars radio in the background. Once we reached the house we all piled out heading in and straight to Harry's office.

Niall was waiting there for us to arrive with his laptop open to the records of how much we should have collected tonight to verify that what we did collect matches with what we needed to bring back.

That was a long and drawn out process but as always we were spot on in our collections. It was time for me to head home so I grabbed my jacket and made my way to my car for the long drown out drive home.

When I made it home I walked up to the door and unlocked it with my key. I knew Louis had to already be asleep because he only ever locks the door when he is going to bed. I slowly make my way upstairs first checking on Louis and then heading into my room trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake Louis up.

       I get in my room change my cloths and hop into bed. It had been a very long and boring day out on runs today so I was just ready for bed. I plugged my phone up, plugged my watch up and set my alarm for tomorrow morning before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Little did I know I would be woken up by a lot more then my alarm


I just received the call letting me know that it was time. I quickly packed my bags and made my way to the door double checking that I had everything to carry out the plan with.

I quickly hop in my car and take off to the Tomlinson household. When I pull in I see a car in the driveway. I immediately recognize it as Josh's car. That must mean he is still in there. I think to myself. I decide I better go ahead and fine the easiest entrance point for me to get in and out with little problems.

I first make my way to the side of the house where two windows are I look into them to see they bother lead into the living room. As I look in I can see Josh cuddling with Louis as they appear to be watching a movie. I continue around the house noticing a decently large tree in the back leading up next to a window I quickly climb up the tree and look in noticing that the room looks a lot like how Josh had explained Louis room to look. I decided that this is where I will wait.

I waited and waited for Louis to come upstairs for bed. When he did I watched him get ready for bed in his closet come back out sit on the bed and just take some breaths. I could tell he was thinking hard about something and then he got up turned his closet light on the hall light and left his room door open. He finally came back and laid down and drifting off to sleep.

It was almost time to act out the plan when I heard a car door close out front. I paused and waited I knew it was probably Jake so I didn't want to tip him off and let him know I was here. I could see the light for the stairs turn on and see a shadow walking up the steps. He stoped in front of Louis room looking in and then closed the door a little before making his way to what I assume is his room.

Dang it now I have to wait longer boss isn't going to be happy.....

(A/N) So this is a short second chapter but I still hope you enjoyed it. This was just a filler for what is to come later on. Hope you enjoy it. Look for the next one next Saturday.... see you soon

All the love

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