Clarkes introduction

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Hi, I'm Clarke and i'm not a normal girl. I was born in space on the Ark. People once lived in the ground until the radiation came. No one has been able to survive down there since then. Or so we thought. 

You might be wondering why I said I wasn't a normal girl. First of all i'm gay which isn't allowed in space because it lowers the population since I wouldn't be able to have children with my girlfriend, also I know two languages. When I was born I was taught english but there's a language in the back of my head that is almost like english a latin mixed with something else, nobody taught it to me it is like a native language to me. I only taught it to my best friend so we can talk about things without other people knowing what we are talking about. I never talked about it to anyone else because my mom would just say I'm making it up and want attention. 

That's not the reason I'm not normal. Let me explain, my blood is black and I have powers. Yes I have powers. I am able to kill and bring something back to life with a simple touch. I found this out when I was helping my mother in med bay. There was a guy that had a genetic disease. His name was David McIntyre. He died and when I tried to close his eyes his heart started beating again. I never told my mom this, she just believes it was a miracle. When I found out I can kill I was just trying to help someone. There was a guard fighting a kid and when I went to push him off he died automatically. 

The kid I saved was John Murphy but I call him Murphy. He has been my best friend ever since even though my mom thinks he's a bad influence. My dad loves him though. My mom doesn't like him because we dyed my hair red once. My mom made me take it out but I kept some highlights in my hair. He is the only other person that knows about my powers and other language. He says he only hangs out with me because he doesn't want to get on my bad side but I know he loves me. 

Currently the Ark is running low on oxygen. My dad found this out and I overheard him talking to chancellor jaha about it. I told Murphy since he's my only friend and we have a plan that we talked to the chancellor about and he agreed after some very heavy arguments, a lot of yelling and sad goodbyes. Me and Murphy are going to the ground. Alone

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