Chapter 6: Welcome to your new home

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Clarke pov

"Time to meet lexa" I said as I started walking to the giant candle looking tower

"Ok but let me warn you. She will literally do anything you ask her. She is weak for blondes and will literally do anything you ask as long as you say please and look at her with eye contact. It's one of the reasons titus hates her so much" Aden said as we walked in

"Ok aden. Thank you. I bet you will help me as I get used to this new world right?" I asked aden

"Yes I will. Don't worry though. Lexa will definitely make sure you're welcomed nicely and will kill anyone who looks at you with anything that's not respect"

"Good to know"


"This is the throne room where you and heda will have meetings. Also be careful because if you get her mad enough she will kick you off the tower. That is why people avoided that one spot in the market. That's where most of the bodies land." Aden said as we approached these big double doors

"Wow. Definitely don't want to mess with her now" Murphy said from behind us

I could hear a beautiful woman's voice form behind the doors. She sounded nervous. That must be her. I thought

Titus knocked on the door and opened it after we heard a faint 'enter'

As soon as we entered and my eyes adjusted to the light from the sun that comes through the balcony I thought I would faint from the beauty in front of me.

Murphy definitely knew what I was thinking about because he looked at me with a shocked expression

She's beautiful. I thought

"Hello wanheda" SHe said and oh my her voice is so raspy and heavenly it made my knees buckle.

"H-hi" I stuttered cursing myself for acting like a fool in front of the woman I was destined to be with

"I don't really feel comfortable calling you wanheda so why don't you tell me your actual name?" She asked. Is it bad that i'm literally already falling for her when we barely had a full conversation yet

"Cl-" I started before I was interrupted

"Her name is Clarke Griffin" Murphy said as he acknowledged how I could not speak without stuttering. For once I am grateful that he is here with me.

"And who might you be?" She said with her voice stoic and face with no emotions

"Murphy, John Murphy" He said. of course he uses this time to act like james bond. I wonder if they even know who that is. They dont look like they own any technology

"Murphy is my best friend. We were sent down here together. He is the only other person who knows about me and what I can do. My mom isn't that supportive of me" I was able to say clearly while into her green eyes getting lost in them. They remind me of when I used to look down at earth through the observatory when I snuck away from my mom.

"Well Murphy you are welcome to stay here in the tower or explore polis. Clarke and I have a lot to discuss" Clarke said as she ordered the guards to show him to where he will be staying in the grounder language

"Leave us" She ordered everyone else that was in the room. They muttered a soft 'yes heda' before leaving

When everyone left I turned around and noticed how she was closer to me. I finally looked over her features and realized how beautiful she actually is. You look like a goddess

"Thank you. I think you look beautiful too"

"Did I say out loud?" I asked in pure embarrassment

"Yes you did Klarke" She said softly. I love the way she says my name. I could get used to hearing that all the time

"So do you know who you are?" She asked and shifted her feet a little bit. I could tell she was nervous

"Yes, I'm Clarke Griffin" I laughed.

"No, I mean do you know who you are and what you're capable of? What you're destined for?" She asked while she laughed softly. I wonder what happened to the big bad commander that was in this room a few minutes ago. I definitely like this lexa better, she seems more relaxed.

"Yes I am wanheda. Commander of death. I control life and death. I am destined to be with you and bring peace to the world. Also we get to have little clexa babies" I said with a smile on our face. On the way here murphy came up with our ship name "Clexa" so he will call our children clexa babies

"What is a clexa baby?" Lexa asked

"It's our ship name"

"We own a ship?"

"No our relationship. It's our names merged together Clarke + Lexa = Clexa. So when we have children we will call them our clexa babies. You do know how babies are made right? If not that would be really awkward to explain but I think you do since your older than me"

"Yes Klark I know how babies are made. I am only 3 winters older than you." She said as she lead me to the balcony that looks over the polis markets

"Welcome to your new home" Lexa said as she looked at me with a loving smile

"Woah! You did all of this?" I asked mesmerized by the view and all the people and children running around

"Yes I made polis for people who want to live in peace without worrying about the war"

We watched polis for a few minutes till my thoughts started to take over my head. I have so many questions I want to ask but I will wait. Although I have one important question

"Can you train me? I'm pretty strong but I don't really know how to wield a sword. I'm good with a dagger" I said as I turned to face her

"Yes klarke I can train you. Anya might help you too while i'm out doing commander duties. I was her second before I won the conclave to be heda. She has been my mentor since I could walk. I trust her with my life. Costia was her younger sister along with aden....." She trailed off deep in thought

"Who's Costia?" I asked

"Costia was my best friend. She loved me but I didn't love her back. She and her father had a trade stand. Me and costia were always together, even after I became heda. If you ask anyone they would say she was very outgoing and nice. Do not ask titus because he hated her. In my early years of being the commander we pranked titus all the time. Costia always talked about me to him while he watched me train and anytime he tried to get rid of her she always found her way back. Costia was also a blonde like you.

"How did she die? I noticed you used past tense." I said carefully because I did not want to upset her after I just met her

"She was looking for things to bring back to her fathers trade post and got too close to azgedas borders. They killed her on sight. They cut off her head and sent it to me. Aden was only 3 when she died so he does not have many memories of her but anya remembers her. They were not close as most sisters but they did still love each other"

"Oh. I'm sorry you had to go through that." I said sadly. She responded with a soft smile

"It's ok. I had Aden and he reminds me so much of her. You've already seen his energy and his happiness. I'm afraid anya is the opposite. She is very strict but has a soft side that only certain people see. One of them being me and maybe you one day. But for now I'd recommend you should stay on her good side"

"Noted" I said as the sun started to set

"Aden said I should do things slowly and always ask for you permission first so would you like to sleep with me or would you like your own room?" Lexa asked

"I'm ok sleeping with you. I might cuddle you while I sleep though" I said and I noticed a blush creeping up on her face

"That is ok. In the morning you might find yourself tangled with aden as well. He likes to come in the morning and lay down with me"

"That sounds nice"

"Let's go to bed wanheda"

"Lead the way heda"

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