Chapter 2: Wanheda

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Lexa pov
(The day before clarkes arrival)

"Lexa" I hear faintly along with a knock on the door

"No" I groan. I dont want to get up today

"Lexa" The familiar voice calls again
I don't answer. Instead I wrap myself further in my furs praying they go away and I can go back to sleep. I know I promised the nightbloods I would train with them today but I spent all night tossing and turning. The commander that speak to me in my sleep warned me that someone important will appear tomorrow and how I handle her will affect the rest of the human race.

I hear retreating footsteps so I silently thank myself for the extra minutes of sleep I am going to get.

I fell back asleep for another few minutes until I heard my door open and tiny footsteps walking up to me. I don't hear any movement. Instead I feel the weight of someone jump on top of me and familiar giggling


"Get up lexa you promised you would train with me today!" The little 7 year old screamed.

"Aden I'm tired. Let me sleep for another hour" I said muffled as my head was in my pillow

"Ok. But you only get one hour. Can I lay with you?" He said in a sweet innocent voice and I can only assume he has his famous pout on his face

"Sure aden." I said sweetly. Aden is the youngest of the nightbloods but he is the most promising. He always comes into my room when there is thunder because he is scared. I already ordered my guards to always let him in. I love him as I love my own child. His parents were killed in a fire a few summers after I first took commander.

I drifted off to sleep with the feeling of adens warm body on my chest and his soft breathing next to me.  


I woke up again when aden started moving around in his sleep. I didnt think anything of it until i heard his soft whimpers. He was having a nightmare

"Aden" I said softly trying to take him up

"Aden wake up please. You're just having a bad dream. Please wake up for me Aden." I pleaded and shook his shoulders lightly till he woke up

"Lexa?" He asked

"Yes it's me aden. You were just having a bad dream. It's time to get up so we can train. We dont want to make titus mad today right?" I asked

"No i guess not. Although it is fun to see him mad when we prank him. My favorite was when we put all the candles in his room while he was sleeping and watching him step on all the candles while screaming. His foot was red for days from the candle burns." He laughed

"Yes that was a fun prank. Maybe next week we can put animal traps instead of candles. Would you like to do that with me?" I asked

"Yes of course I would. Can we please move up to practice sword instead of using those dull sticks. Please lexa I promise I can handle it?" He pleaded.

"Let's do a few rounds with the sticks and I will see if you are strong enough to move on. Now go to your room and get dressed. Meet me outside the tower in an hour. I have a quick meeting with indra today and I cannot be late or she will have my head."

"Haha ok lexie. See ya later" He called out as he exited the room

"I told him multiple times not to call me that. People are gonna think i'm a softie" I mumbled underneath my breath


"Hello lexa" Indra greeted me as I walking into my throne room

"Hello indra. Why have you called this meeting. I have rather important things I need to be doing right now."

"When did having fun with aden while annoying titus become more important than azgeda?"

"How- what? No! I mean yes. But there's a reason!"

"Explain the reason heda" Indra said as she was intrigued to what I would say next

"You see. Aden came into my room this morning. I didn't want to get up so I let him sleep with me for an hour but there's something else that I must talk to Titus about. It is about the past commander that speak to me in my sleep"

"The commanders? What did they say?" Indra asked confused

"They warned me that someone will appear tomorrow and how I would handle her will affect the rest of the human race. What could that mean?"

"I'm not sure. That is something you must ask titus because only he knows the prophecy to what could happen."

Ok I will go ask him. Goodbye indra" I dismissed her

"Bye commander"


"Titus!" I screamed as I approached him in the training area with aden and the other nightblood

"Yes heda?" He asked annoyed that I was late. In my defense maybe he shouldn't put training so early in the morning.

"I must talk to you about something the former commanders told me about"

"Ok what do you need to know?"

"What is prophesied to happen tomorrow. The commanders told me that someone would appear tomorrow and how I would handle her will affect the rest of the human race. Who is this woman and why should I care about her?" I asked

"Nonononono this isn't supposed to happen for another 6 years. It's too early" Titus screamed as he starting running towards the tower

"Training is skipped for today. I must prepare the heda for who will arrive tomorrow. Let's go heda I need to go to my library and get the books!" Titus figure screamed as it retreated into the tower

"Titus who is coming tomorrow that has got you so worked up? I haven't seen you like this since I told you my plans about the coalition" I asked as I watch him scan his book shelves furious and panicked

"Wanheda..." Was all he said

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