Chapter 5: OMG It looks like a candle!

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Clarke pov

"How long will it take to get there lincoln. I have strength but Murphy has breathing issues so we might have to stop if it's a long walk." I asked.

It's maybe another hour or two. Can he last that long?" Lincoln asked as he looked back at Murphy who was clearly struggling to keep up. I used to exercise all the time on the ark to strengthen my powers and abilities so i'm well trained

"Maybe not. Let's stop her for a few then we can keep going. Can you make a fire and bring me a knife or dagger. I got cut and it needs to be closed before it gets infected. I was sliced by one of the guards' swords when I killed one. The wound is not too deep but it needs to be cauterized. " I said as I looked at my shoulder

"You are a healer" Lincoln asked surprised at my knowledge

"My mom is. She taught me a few things and I helped her while she worked"

"Ok. Here is a blade and I can make a fire. Give me a few minutes"

"Thank you lincoln" I said

"No problem wanheda" Lincoln said as he left to collect firewood

"Hey wanheda" Murphy said in his usual snarky tone

"Don't call me that or I will call you john" I snapped back. I don't know why but he hates being called john

"Ok ok. I won't call you that. But we need to talk"

"Yea obviously"

"Ok lets go over the facts here

We are literally on earth

We cut off our wristbands so the ark thinks we're dead

You are wanheda and are destined to marry the commander and have commander babies probably

IF  the ark comes down your mom is gonna literally ground you for life for pulling a stunt like this and getting a wife when were only 18

Everybody is so strong and are trained to be warriors and I am not so I probably won't survive

You knew their language before we even knew there were people down here so you could know other things too

We also didn't even get to say goodbye to our friends"

"Yea Murphy I know. This is so weird. I don't know what we're gonna do about the ark or our friends but for all we know they're already dead or close to be from oxygen deprivation . Let's just worry about who's on the ground for right now."

"Fire is ready wanheda" Lincoln said as he announced his presence


We're heading to polis after a quick stop and I can't wait to meet lexa. I already know what she looks like from my memories but I bet she looks even more beautiful in person. I hope she thinks i'm pretty to because that would be really awkward if she didn't. I wonder if she even knows that i'm here or that she's destined to be with me.

"Hey princess! I can hear you thinking from back here!"

"Sorry Murph. I'm just thinking about how beautiful lexa is. I mean i've seen her in my memories but she's probably ten times more beautiful in person. I can't wait to meet her."

"Wow griff. You've got a lady boner for her before you even meet her"

"Trust me Murphy. When you see her you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe you'll even meet some boy or girl here too. Hey lincoln. Is there any gay boys in polis?" I called out

"What is gay?" He asked confusedly. Maybe they don't use terms like that here

"It is when someone likes the same gender. So when a boy likes a boy or a girl likes a girl" I stated

"Yes we have a few of those. Most of them actually leave because they are embarrassed but they're are some that still walk through polis"

"Great! Thanks! See murphy, you could find someone in polis" I said as I looked back at murphy behind me

"Sure whatever clarke. I just wanna see what the big deal is about lexa" Murphy said as he rolled his eyes and looked at the miles of forest that surrounds us.


"Wanheda, we are arriving" Lincoln said as we approached a giant candle-looking tower

"OMG it looks like a candle! It's even got the flame on top. Does lexa love candles or something?" Murphy said as we looked at the big tower coming into view

"In my memories she is always surrounded by them so I think so. Hey lincoln! Why does heda like candles so much. I see them everywhere in my head"

"As a child when she first took command she was afraid of the dark. No one knows about that but her closest associates so don't go around saying that to the people here"

"Wow the great big heda afraid of the dark. Clarke, you are marrying a child!" Murphy said in a teasing tone

"No murphy. She's actually 3 years older than both of us. She can also have you banished or killed so don't say that out loud please. I need my best friend if i'm going to survive this. I'd rather not have to sneak out just to see you."

"Ok ok. Don't disrespect her. Got it"

"We are here. Welcome to polis Wanheda"

"WOAH!" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth

"Will I be living here with lexa, lincoln?" I asked. I have to remember to go looking around with Murphy later.

"Yes. You and Lexa will live in the tower. Down here are the trading markets. Lexa turned this place into a town where people from all the clans can come and live in peace without worry about the wars that go on outside of here. You can trade, train, and also go through the flower fields. We also hold meetings here, mostly in the throne room." He said as we walked toward the tower. People stared at me and murphy because of how different we look from them. I noticed a little boy who had a wide smile on his face running out of the tower towards me who had a tall bald man tailing behind him staring at me as if I stole his food

"Be careful wanheda. That is Titus, he is the flamekeeper and he does not like anyone." Lincoln warned as we approached the two

"Hi! I'm aden! You are wanheda right?"

"Yes I am Aden. My name is Clarke. How old are you? How has your day been so far aden?"

"I am 6 and my day has been great because I have been helping Lexa to prepare for your arrival. Can I let you in a secret?" He asked me with a innocent smile on his face

"Yea sure"  I said as I kneeled down so he could whisper in my ear

"She was very scared to meet you. She even asked me for advice and I'm only 6. So go easy on her"  He whispered. I could tell he really loved her by the way he talked about her

"I got it aden. I will go easy on her" I whispered back with a smirk on my face

"Lets go wanheda. Heda awaits and you need to get her to relax. She is getting on my nerves and I don't think I can handle her much longer" Titus said as he rolled his eyes

"Time to meet lexa" 

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