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Three Years Later

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Three Years Later

Elizabeth was stressed. She could find her husband anywhere. She knew he was on their lands, but she honestly couldn't find him. She looked everywhere before giving up and going to dress her daughter for the day.

"Where's Daddy?"

"I don't know, Roisin, we're going to go find him. You have to get dressed first, though. You'll catch a cold going out to find your father in these clothes." Her daughter smiled at her, letting Elizabeth assist her while he dressed. She was two and a half now, being born less than a year after their marriage. Roisin was Elizabeth's world. Elizabeth finally had a family of her own. It wasn't much, but it was hers. "C'mon now, let's go find your father." She lifted Roisin into her arms, grabbing her jacket first, before slipping on a jacket of her own. "Where to first?"
"The barn!" She smiled, putting Roisin on her own two feet and let herself be dragged towards the barn. The light was on, and she saw a silhouette in the window. She sighed, feeling absolutely ridiculous for not looking closer before actually panicking that her husband had actually run away. "Daddy!" Elizabeth let her daughter run ahead of her, into the barn.

"Hey, Bub, you sleep well."

"Yeah! Mummy was afraid you left though!" She heard her husband grunt from picking up his daughter. "Did you go to the bad place last night?" Elizabeth sighed, as she walked into the barn, seeing her husband at his workbench, a piece of wood in front of him. His entire concentration was on his daughter however, his work completely forgotten.

"Yes, but I'm all better now, yeah? Let's go eat some breakfast before our guests arrive." It was then that he looked up, his blue eyes meeting his wife's. "Good morning, Love."

"Morning. Are you okay?" He smiled at her, putting on his cap before he went around his work bench, kissing his wife on the lips before walking out into the cold morning air.

"I'll be okay. C'mon, we've got a few hours before they get here. Enough time for our family to have a nice breakfast together, yes?" Elizabeth smiled, following her husband and her daughter. She watched as her daughter talked to him and he responded in an animated fashion, making Roisin smile. "C'mon, Love, I may burn down the house if I have to cook by myself!" Elizabeth smiled, chasing after the rest of her family.


"They'll be fine, Love, it's okay."

"I haven't seen them in years. Grace and I have been writing, but I'm nervous. What if they think I've changed too much."

"You've been honest with Grace, you're no different from your letters." She sighed, letting her husband run his hands from her shoulders to her hands. "It'll be okay."


"I'll make sure of it, okay? Just no crazy loud noises." She smiled, turning around, kissing her husband quickly. He was getting better, but loud noise and crowds was something that he was still struggling with.

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