Wasn't I?

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My heart is aching

I've been giving all I can

But your words were so entrancing

I couldn't see the truth behind.

This face I've been faking

Hides the true pain deep inside.

But I don't really blame you,

I wouldn't want me too.

And I gave, gave, gave all I had to you

All you did was turn away

I did everything I could for you

But I just wasn't good enough, wasn't I?

I'm used to the pain of heartbreak

So why did yours hurt me so much?

Maybe because it seems like I'm the only one who is paying

I gave you my heart and all you did was step on it

You enticed my mind with beautiful words and promises

Then all you did was turn away

It wasn't good enough, wasn't it?

And I gave, gave, gave all I had to you

All you did was turn away

I did everything I could for you

But I just wasn't good enough, wasn't I?

I'm tired of my heart being broken

From now on the walls go up

I shan't let another in

Cause of all the pain I've been put in

I'm tired of playing these games

I'm becoming numb

I'm cutting off the pain

Shutting it out





Barely breathing.

And I gave, gave, gave all I had to you

All you did was turn away

I did everything I could for you

But I just wasn't good enough, wasn't I?

Oh, no, I just wasn't good enough, wasn't I?

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