The Inferno (IB: Dante's Inferno)

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Spiraling down

Winding steps

We're so close

But not there yet

The devil's smiles

And demonic eyes

He calls us forth

I've fallen down

Into a hole

It's large and dark

But there's no way out

There's no light

So there's only one way left to go

And that's down

I can't look at what's in front of me

I'm not sure what's behind me

The darkness is deafening

The silence is screaming

Lo' look ahead

There's some light

Perhaps this time

I'll be able to leave

Racing towards this light

Hope melts to fear as I see a fire

And no way out of here

I turn to run back where I came

But there's nothing left

I can continue on or stay here

I don't want to die just yet

Making my way around the fire

I find some stairs

I've got nowhere left to go, but down

So let's go down, down, down

I look dead-ahead and I see a river

Long and wide

The current whips

It could make the strongest man fall to his knees

Looking around now

I can't turn back

I've found a boat, here I go

I cross the river but to my surprise

A large, dark castle looms over me

I knock on the gate and no one answers

Inside I feel my fear cry

"Why did we come here?"

No courage is left

Standing at the gate it swings open wide

Leading to a courtyard

All that once was is dead and broken

Why is there no guard?

Crossing the yard

Reaching a-far

Terror rises up

As I can't find an end to this place

"Careful there friend"

I look up and to my surprise

A large giant is towering high

"There is nowhere left to turn

So let me help you instead"

He picks me up

"There's nowhere left to go only down"

We say goodbye and once again I am alone

I slip once

I'm on ice

People all around me

They all are staring at something

Of which I am afraid to see

I lift my head

And there is only darkness

So I continue my descent

Down into the deepest part

Of this frozen heart

I see ice everywhere I turn

Finally I'm all alone

I feel a breeze

And can feel some heat

I look up and it's not so sweet

A man is standing in front of me

As tall as two buildings

And as wide as a house

He appears like a dragon

Or perhaps something else

His large blue wings flap aimlessly

And the fire he breathes it only turns to steam

I sneak away and down once more

I don't think I wanna see anymore

Now in a tunnel

What do I find?

More light

Not a trick this time

I smell the salt of the sea

And can hear the birds once more

I stumble into the bright daylight

I turn to face the hell I just endured

And a sign in old broken letters reads

"Abandon hope all you who enter here"

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