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Hey there!! welcome

This is just a re-write of the last chapter to the original book. This is the first half and the last half will be included in the next chapter~ You could read this just for fun or just go to the next chapter. Enjoy!!!

Naruto was in extreme pain, so much pain it was unbearable *ahem*. He was sitting in the deepest part within Konoha, The Hokage monuments were surrounded by wood beams with markings on them. A few jonin around the area to keep him secure as well as a very straight-faced and somewhat creepy wood style user

The most terrifying part of this whole thing? He was in labour. Now how exactly did this happen?

Lets back up a bit

Flashback 36 hours earlier~

Naruto had just finished up a meeting with the Akatsuki members and was sitting within the Kuraikage office. He was under strict supervision.

Having the kyubi and being pregnant was going to weaken his body and the seal, though he and Kurama where on good terms, there were still bad people I the world, seeking the power he had within him.

Itachi was out on a mission, Naruto was sitting with Obito as his clones were helping him with paperwork, he had a shadow clone seated on the sofa across from him doing some less important paperwork and another with the important paperwork.

Obito himself was circling his hand over the blondes abdomen. It was clear the child would be due soon, Obito was extremely protective of the Uchiha heir growing inside of the blondes belly. "Obito, the day will come soon.." Kurama said, "Sometime within the week, the baby will be born." Naruto spoke with a small smile. Obito didnt show it much, but from the eager nod of his- he was extremely excited for the birth of the child.

"Ya'know, you dont have to watch me like a hawk Tobi?" The blond said looking up from his papers, "Tobi wants to watch his niece or nephew!" he said with his childish persona, "You should really drop that act, its really not like yo-",before Naruto could finish his sentence, the blonde paused as did Obito when an approaching chakra signature slammed the door to the office open, a jonin from their village- Sora- burst through the Kuraikages door. "Sora, what is it?." Obito knew it was an emergency if the door was opened without a knock from anyone, apart from the Akatsuki.

"KONOHA NINJA! , theyve infiltrated the village" Sora spoke frantically. Obito stood up swiftly, "Naruto , stay put. I must help the village, Ill be back soon, Sora, stay and take care of Naruto." , but before Naruto could say anything, Obito had already left

Naruto gripped the arm rest on the sofa. "Drop the act." The blonde said bluntly, the man named Sora smiled. "Im surprised you saw through it." Within seconds, Sasuke took over the appearance of the Jonin. "What did you do to him!?" Naruto said with rage in his words, refusing to look at his former teammate. "The Jonin?, Hes been disposed of, he yelled a lot." Sasuke spoke, as if murder an innocent ninja was an everyday activity for him. "B-Bastard!" Naruto weakly spoke. The stress of the situation was taking its toll on him.

"Youre coming home." Sasuke said with a stern voice as he swiftly picked up the smaller male and waked towards the window. Naruto thrashed weakly fearing that moving too harshly would hurt the baby. "Let me go Sasuke!" He growled out. But swiftly, his world went blurry, and soon enough he was out cold, the last thing he could feel was a pressure on his neck. "Remember doing that to me?" was the last thing he heard, as he heard the smirk in his words...

So....what did you think? Tell me in the comments :), Hope you enjoyed this!!!

Have a nice day :)

 "A promise to love, a promise to grow, a promise to keep~ •ITANARU• " [ON HOLD]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu