The Present (Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Part 2)

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TW: Death



Tubbo's vision was blurred by the snow as he trudged through as fast as he could, shouting desperately into the wind. 


He screamed and screamed, but he didn't hear his name back. Snow soaked through his thin presidential uniform, weighing him down. He tore the stupid thing off, the stupid thing that had caused him so much pain, leaving it in the snow. 

He stumbled, emerging into a clearing in the forest. The cliff towered above him. 

And a small, broken boy lay underneath it. 

His heart dropped to his stomach. 


Tubbo ignored the freezing cold chattering his teeth as he rushed to his side, falling down to his knees, sinking into the snow. 

His best friend's side. 

His best friend's body. 

Tubbo's cold hands pried at Tommy's, trying to hold them, trying to warm him up. But he was so cold, he was so cold. 

"Tommy, wake up- Tommy please wake up- please wake up Tommy please PLEASE-" 

Tears of desperation slid down his cheeks, the only warm thing in the cold.

"TOMMY!" Tubbo's voice rasped out, clutching Tommy's red shirt in his hands. 

But there was no beating heart in his chest. 

He shook him, and shook him, and shook him but nothing came out, nothing came out of his purple lips, and his crystal blue eyes stared ahead, unseeing. 

"I'M SORRY!" Sobs erupted out of his mouth, racking his whole body. Guilt poured down in waves, ripping through his stomach. "PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" 

Sobs came out choked, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "I'M SORRY PLEASE PLEASE I'M SO SORRY PLEASE TOMMY-" 


His throat hurt as he screamed, but nothing worked. 

"COME BACK!" Hiccups jumped out of his chest, his vision turning blurry and red. "TOMMY COME BACK TOMMY PLEASE- PLEASE I NEED TO SAY I'M SORRY PLEASE-" 

He had caused this. 

There was nobody to blame but himself. 

He had left Tommy alone. 

They were supposed to be together. 

Tommy and Tubbo against the world. 

Us against the world. 

He sobbed into his still chest, snow piling on top of them. 

Us against the world. 

"Tommy..." Tubbo's hand shook as he clutched Tommy's green bandana, shuddering out choked breaths. 

"Please come back." Warm tears flooded from his eyes, dropping on the bandana slowly, drip, drip. 

"I just want you back. I just want you to laugh again, Tommy." Tubbo stared into Tommy's glazed over eyes, staring into the nothingness. "Please laugh again." 



Nothing at all. 

Tears slid down his face, but he couldn't sob any longer. The frost had taken over his body, leaving everything numb. It covered him and Tommy in a blanket. 

"I-I'm not going to leave you alone again." 

His hand reached out with the last of its strength, resting on Tommy's ice-cold cheek. His thumb rubbed against it, the once happy face that always had a brash smile. That same, snarky, brash smile. 

He would give anything to see him smile again. 

"I'm here, Tommy." He smiled softly as he looked up at him, cheek rested against his chest, tears soaking down into his stiff shirt. "I'm here now. You're- you're not alone." 

Snow froze into his brown hair and his heart slowed, his lips purple and shaky. But he didn't get up. 

Tommy couldn't be alone. He would make sure of it. Tommy would never be alone again. 

If he froze, he would freeze with him. 

And he swore to fucking god that no one would move him from Tommy, never ever. 

He was never leaving him again. 

And peacefully, the snow settled down around two boys, wrapped around each other, frozen stiff. 

It was Christmas Day. 

It all started on a day like any other. 

And the salmon, they had swum to the sea.....



𝖒𝖈𝖞𝖙 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now