The news

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'Thoughts/faint talking'

Your pov
"I think I have a plan to announce your relationship" I say with a smile. They look at me with 'well continue' faces and I smile

"Well first you two go tell Dumbledore just so that way he won't be surprised after you tell Dumbledore that you are together ask if you can announce it at dinner that way the whole school will know in one area so you won't be caught off guard and Harry don't worry about Malfoy I'll take care of him if he's rude to you"

They nod there head approving of the plan and off we all go to the head master were going to be at the gargoyle at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

Ten minutes later they come down smiling an I am so happy that they got at least a good answer and they both say "we can announce it at dinner" I am so overjoyed

*****time skip to dinner because I'm lazy****

It was now dinner time and I was sitting in the great Hall at the Hufflepuff table next to Cedric when Dumbledore was speaking he finally got too "now I would like two students to come and join me to announce something" I gave Cedric an encouraging nod and he got up along with Harry there where gasps heard from all of the Hall even the teachers where shocked. "Hi um me and Harry Potter would like to say we are officially dating" Again more gasps. What I heard next got me detention for the next week but when I tell you there was a reason there was. Everybody in the Hall was now warmed up to him except on person take a guess to who that person was, yup Ginny Weasley. She got up and yelled "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR A FAGOT YOU ARE A DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING FREAK!". I got up went across the Hall and punched Ginny square I n the face I could never have been happier " Thats what you get for insulting my best friend, bitch" Everyone claped all of a sudden I sorta smiled but went up to Cedric who was holding a sobbing Harry and I knew why. Remus told me Harry had a bit of a rough childhood and when I mean that I mean people from people in the school always calling him a freak.

"Hey Harry shes gone shes not going to hurt you I promise" He looked up at me and nodded calming down a little. Cedric knew to based on how be kept saying reassurance s like "it's ok your not a freak your beautiful" Or "hey hey hey dont cry shes just jealous she can't get anyone as beautiful as you" I was blocking Harry off from the crowd along with Snape and Remus. Snape s relationship with Harry's mother had gotten better and he was the other godfather.(may I remind you in this fiction Voldemort never existed) Harry was still crying a little from the name calling and yelling so I told Cedric to bring him to the Hufflepuff tower and I would be there in a bit.

Once we walked out Cedric and Harry so people couldn't bombard them once we got out I looked at Remus and hugged him. Snape looked at us with a raised eyebrow and said. "You too are dating aren't you" I went pale and looked panicked luckily Remus noticed this and sat me down on the ground an looked at Snape. "Severus I know we weren't on the best of terms but please don't tell anyone I'm really sorry for the pranks we pulled we all thought Slytherin was evil but I realise now you weren't you where just a family protecting each other please" Snape put out his hand and Remus shook it. Snape then said " I promise I won't tell anyone I know how important this is to you based on the way you explained it I understand I wont tell anyone" Of course while they where talking I kept panicking resulting in a panic attack. Snape noticed and crouched down next to me and kept telling me to breath and it was alright.

After I claimed down I looked between them and said "I'm sorry I couldn't control it I worried about Remus losing his job or me getting expelled" Snape looked to Remus for approval to talk to me he nodded " You can't control when you panic or not that was not your fault if we knew it was going to stress you out we would have had this conversation in private without you I promise that was not your fault y/n" I looked at him in shock he never called me by my first name I looked at him and nodded he then said he could give me a pepper up potion and I said yes. After my potion I went with Remus back into his office

Your pov

After getting my potion from Snape I decided that I was going to go back to Remus office with him. When we got there I thought of something "rem did you ever look into student teacher relationships in the ministry of magic law book for schools" He looked at me shocked and answered a faint 'no' without looking at me I then went over to his bookcase and got out the law book.

But my heart broke to the page I saw he had it marked it was marked in the werewolves and humanity section and he was on the death page of what would happen if you appeared to the public as a wolf and based on what I just saw it would be fine. He looked nervous and very sorry in fact I kept hearing faint 'I'm sorry' under his breath I walked over to him and placed the book on his desk.

After that I sat in his lap and kissed him deeply I could tell he was surprised at first but melted in we only pulled away when we needed air. "So you don't think I'm disgusting as a werewolf" I looked at him In the eyes and said "Remus Lupin you will always be beautiful in my eyes no matter how much you may not think so you are and I will always love you" I then clasped my hand over my mouth realizing what I just said he responded "I love you to y/n" I was smiling after that. I picked back up the ministry book and flipped to the school section then to the student teacher section. I looked to see if it was ok and the first sentence said it I'd perfectly legal and ok to have a student teacher relationship I smiled but was shocked because as far as I knew muggles would get thrown into prison if they had a student teacher relationship, but then again things work different in the wizarding world, Remus looked at me and I said after reading the rest of the page "its ok as long as I'm 16 which I am and we both are ok with the relationship and that we must bring it to the headmaster immediately for marking into the ministry law book"

He smiled and jumped up and kissed me he muttered "well then let's go tell the headmaster then" We both walked up into the office.

Lupin pov

I could tell y/n was nervous so on the way there I mentioned that I would be doing taking if albus questioned anything. When we got to the door I said the password "chocolate frogs" I doubted that y/n would use Dumbledore to get something so I let her hear it she gave me a look that was 'really that is his password' and then we walked up
Knock knock knock
This was met by a pleasant "come in"

"Hello albus me and y/n would like to tell you something, now before you freak out we have already read the ministry law book and everything is fine about what we're about to tell you" He gave me a questioning look but a nod to tell me to continue.

"Well albus I recently got together with non other the Mrs.L/n and based on the law book we both must agree and she be 16 along with telling the headmaster immediately, all of those are full filled." He smiled and said "I had a feeling that was coming you two seemed to like each other a lot well thank you I will mark that down in the books immediately" I smiled at y/n and she was very happy with the biggest grin I think one could muster the happiest grin I have ever seen.

Once we left the headmasters office we went back to my office and talked. After a few minutes she kissed me and we kept kissing she eventually pulled away and said "I love you Remus Lupin" I then spoke "I love you too y/n"

A/n: thank you for almost ten reads I thought know one would want to read this piece of crap so I am really happy as always correct anything I did wrong and have a good day/night. This is also my longest chapter yet I hoped you enjoyed

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