9. Finale: Pride and Courage

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You knew the situation wouldn't end this simple. All along, you knew it wouldn't be easy, and it turned out just as complicated as you had predicted, evident in the fact that Jean had told you they had to release Rich. She had been apologetic, had felt bad about the fact, but you knew there was nothing she could've done. Those were this land's laws, the City of Freedom's rules, and you were okay with that. Even though fear had gotten you in its icy grip as soon as you had heard the news, you understood that this was just how it had to be. That it was another test for you, for your growth, mentally, emotionally and physically.

It was clear that he'd confront you. He'd look for you, search all of Mondstadt and beyond, just to find you, to get either his marriage to you or his revenge on you, and he wouldn't give up until he'd have achieved one of those goal. You knew his sick pride wouldn't leave him any other choice. That's how he'd always been.

This time, however, you didn't want to give him the power of frightening you anymore. You wanted him to be the one afraid of you, turn the tables on him. And you knew the only way you could achieve that was by doing what he'd expect least - instead of running from him, you had to be the one to search him out, confront him and make him understand that he had only one choice: to leave you alone.

You had told nobody where you were going. Your father was on edge enough already, almost trying to keep you locked up in the winery - had he known of your intentions, you would've had to face unwanted consequences. Diluc was never in the mansion, always being busy with his business, and you wouldn't have wanted to confide in him anyway. You didn't tell your friends because you didn't want to worry anybody. And Kaeya - well, you had avoided him since your last encounter, so there hadn't even been the chance to talk to him. Only Adeline had seen you off, had seen the look on your face as you had left the mansion armed with a sword. She hadn't said a word. As if she knew you had to do this.

Finding Rich hadn't been a challenge. Since he had taken many men with him, the amount of tents was hard to miss in the plain fields in front of the city.

You had walked all the way, steadily and slowly. There was no reason for you to be afraid, since you had two things you'd never had before: firstly your newfound resolve, secondly the cryo vision hanging from your belt, reflecting the few beams of sunlight that managed to tear through the clouds.

In front of you, the tents came into sight. You took a deep breath while still keeping your pace the same. You wouldn't die. You wouldn't. Step after step after step you came closer to what you had once feared so deeply. And the closer you came, the less scared you were.

At one point, someone must've spotted you, as there were soldiers hurriedly running out of their tents to meet you. In midst their circle, you spotted the familiar golden armor that could only belong to Rich. His face was adorned with a wonderful expression of shock at seeing you there, walking towards him and slowly closing in. Already you were close enough to hear him shout.

"Circle that bitch!"

The soldiers immediately listened and ran towards you, proceeding to surround you, but they didn't get that far. You took your sword out of its sheath in a quick motion, small ice crystals following the blade. With a flick of your wrist you readied your weapon for combat. The eyes of the men closest to you were widening at the sight of the ice, but their reaction was still too slow. A slash of your sword, without even touching them, sent a wave of ice flying towards them and knocking them all back. Another slash trapped them on the ground, frozen in place.

"Don't interfere," you told them coldly, still facing Rich who standing way back, glaring at you with an expression filled with so much hate, it almost rivalled yours. At the sight of his men being rendered useless, he unsheathed his sword too and stormed towards you.

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