Part 5

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I'm listening to Hayloft by Mother Mother on repeat so I'm sorry if I seem mentally unstable 🤚

Also, I'm going to start adding a little recap at the beginning of each chapter but it'll be skippable.


The Midoriya's just arrived and the Bakugo's house for dinner (go to the previous chapter to see their outfits, sorry I deleted the files). When they arrived Deku took one look at Bakugo and started lightly blushing but nobody seemed to notice.


They all sat down at the table after greetings.

Seating arrangements:

M- Mitsuki

B-Masaru Bakugo




Dinner was uneventful

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Dinner was uneventful. It was all just a bunch of small talk.


After dinner Inko and Mitsuki told Bakugo and Deku to go upstairs and hang out so they could talk.

While Inko told Mitsuki about her son's new found quirk, Deku and Bakugo were sitting in silence, unsure of what to say given the fact the last thing Bakugo has said to Deku in person was "Take a swan dive off the roof and hope you'll be born with a quirk in your next life!".

Of course Bakugo didn't mean it, he just didn't want to seem weak in front of his friends. Though he quickly realized after he said that to Deku that it was horrible, he just didn't know how to proper apologize, of course without sounding weak or soft.

The longer it was quiet, the more Deku felt as though Bakugo meant what he said.

But the silence didn't make Bakugo feel any better than Deku.

As guilt from what Bakugo said took over his thoughts, sadness took over Deku's.

For a split second the duo stared at each other. But it quickly ended when Deku felt his eyes prickle with tears.

He couldn't contain the sadness he felt, but he made sure to turn so Kacchan couldn't see the tears. He knew that Kacchan noticed him crying, but he didn't want him to see it.

Almost as a reflex, Bakugo was suddenly hugging the green haired boy which reasonably confused both of them.

Bakugo decided that now was the best time to apologize for being an asshole all these years.

"Deku- I mean Izuku- I never meant anything I've ever said to you. My behavior was extremely immature and it lacked the respect you deserve. It was horrible and you deserved none of it, I was just being a stupid kid. I will do anything to get your friendship back. I am sorry for everything and I hope one day we can put behind us. Even though I don't deserve to be forgiven, especially for what I last said to you."

(A.N.: If the apology seems halfhearted or anything like that, it is my fault, I'm sorry I'm bad at writing apologies. Just know this was really big thing for Bakugo and he meant it)

I didn't know how to make anything flow after the apology so I guess this is the end of this chapter

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