The Inkbath

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[ The Inkbath ]

She laughs too, whenever I read these words to her
"I love you Bertha"
And I meant it with every stroke I put on this tree
Engraved her name in it, and she still smiles at me the same way she did when last we were here

We bath beneath these pipes
Where it rains talent and passion
She used to fear letting go before her blank pad
Until she learnt the art in her nudity
And she fell in love with its depth that goes beyond the flesh

She writes, I write, she reads I listen
I read, she blossoms with every word I drop in her mouth like strawberries
And every poem is a rose when it details of her
Because all the words I throw at her flesh that is in perfect distribution, always finds a way to take her shape.

She writes, I fall in love again and again, but with a deeper depth every time

I write, she blushes, her lips are petals
And every word coming out of her mouth is a nectar that my butterlies craves

I love you ❤️

[ Mofenyi Nkadimeng ]
[ 2020 ]

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