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[ Still ]

Teach me how to fold the hands of time, then I will wait on you till the the sky stops lying about touching the mountains.
When you learn to love yourself, teach me how to dance to the sound of clocks chewing my patience, just so I wait long enough until you master to sail in your own tears.

I know of tens of songs I can sing until you learn to love your own voice. For I will perfectly sing with this voice that nobody ever laid a compliment on, but I will embrace its flaws, sing out loud to the walls that won't respond but stand still.
For the beauty of it all, is in the lyrics that have thunders vibrating the walls of my heart.

As you begin to learn to stand on your own, teach me how to stand beside your absence patiently.

Teach me to be still
I hope I learn how to pause my heartbeats, just so they don't play loud enough until they are rhythmic to a stranger who might dance their way into my heart.
I hope I learn when to keep my eyes close, just so strangers don't stay longer than they should in them.

But in all my efforts to try to be here when you have fallen in love with your scars and learned to kiss your wounds until they taste sweet, I hope you keep in my mind, no matter how long I can keep the poems, the hands of time will always wear these poems like they are small shirts, always outgrowing the latest poem I would write.

I hope you respect the time, I won't keep up with it that long.

[ ©Mofenyi Nkadimeng ]
[ 2020 ]

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