
13 1 0

[ Toxic ]

It is all the mental orgasmic pleasures I found on your lips
The dose of insanity with every breath you spread unto my face
How you held the whole constellation in your eyes, made me an astronaut when we kissed, as I lost sense of my feet

It is all these
The orgasms, the moaned pleasures with every smack you took
How your body perfectly sticked to the walls
As your hands got lost in the air, all these moments stole my breath

It is all these wild thoughts, that I cannot escape
The vicious reminiscing that do not fade
How the skies seem empty with every preceeding sunset in your absentia

Empty beds, the chirping birds don't sound the same in the morning
We left ten thousand promises in hieroglyphics when we held hands
And my hands have been held, lately
Yet all these abandoned words still remain intact in my palms

It is all these...
The words left unsaid, the fears left untouched
It is everything and anything I cannot explain

It is all these...
All the stardust on my fingertips
The intoxication left on my lips

..... Sigh!

[ ©Mofenyi Nkadimeng ]
[ 2020 ]

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