My Ice Rose: Prologue

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A young girl, or so she seemed, sat at the frozen lake, watching nothing. Her long brown hair swayed softly in the breeze. Her hand absentmindedly reached up to the locket that hung around her neck. She gripped it tightly. She tried to remember what happened here that would draw her to this exact spot, but her mind was left black. Shock covered her features. She tried again, but the result was the same.

She gripped the locket tighter in frustration. She looked up and saw the Southern Lights and muttered, "Not again." She grabbed her staff and chanted a few words that would teleport her to North's Warren. A sudden bright light appeared and took her to North's Warren. She tapped Bunnymund's shoulder to say she was here. She rolled her blue eyes as he squeaked and jumped around. North chuckled lowly and loudly and Toothiana giggled.

Bunnymund grumbled something about all of the Guardians ganging up on him. There was a slight silence before the Sandman snored. "Sandy. Sandy, wake up. Sandy!" North nudged his friend away with his hand. Sandman snapped awake and smiled at everyone. She rolled her eyes again. "It's good to see you all again!" Toothiana grinned, fluttering about everywhere and muttering things to her Minifaires.

Sandman looked up at the moon in the middle of their discussion, or argument, and started to make pictures of an arrow and a moon with his sand, she saw this and tapped North ond the stomach and pointed to Sandman. North looked at the moon, to Sandman's delight and said, loudly, "Oh, Sandy, why didn't you say something!" Sandman's smile dropped as he sweatdropped.

"Hello, Manny! What do you have to say?!" North shouted to the moon making the girl wince. "Sorry Natalie." He smiled. A few minutes later he clapped his hands together once and grinned, "A new Guardian, eh? Great, who are they?" A few minutes later they moved away from the large loose stone slab that twisted and rose, showing a stone staute of a boy Natalie's age.

"No way! Not Jack Frost!" Bunnymund growled, creating a large arguement. She cleared her throat and wrote cards that she kept in her jacket, If we are done here, I will make my leave. "Bye Natalie!" Toothiana smiled and waved as she chanted small but complicated words that teleported her back to the place where she grew up.

A sudden flashback hit her. It was set the day she died.

"Ruby!" She called out, frantically. "Ruby! This is not funny!" Then it was silent as she crashed through the trees, closing in on the ice lake. "Natalie! Help me!" Natalie skidded to a halt at the frozen lake. She carefully stepped onto the lake, grabbing a stick that had a hook. "I'm scared." Ruby said. Natalie nodded and stepped again, feeling and hearing the ice crack beneath her and her sister.

"Just- It's hopstoch! 1," She counted, jumping nearing to her sister, "2," Another jump. She gripped the stick tighter and shouted, "3!"  The stick grabbed ruby by the waist and made her slide to land while Natalie managed to get herslef where her sister had been standing.

The ice cracked.

Natalie fell in, shouting in agony as the ice cut her skin. "NATALIE! SISTER! NO!" Ruby screamed, her tears making it hard to breathe. Natalie's nerves became numb and she closed her eyes, slowly dieing from the cold. She started to glow and freeze.

She snapped out of her trance and took a step forward, before hesitating and taking another one. She looked up at the moon and whispered, "Why me?"

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