My Ice Rose: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The rough sheets rubbed against Natalie's pale skin on her leg, leaving a long red mark. She lifted her leg and rubbed her hand along the mark, healing it with a slight glow. She placed her leg back down and flicked the book page so she could read the next one. She eyes skimmed over the page, taking in the love interest of the main character, Raven. She bit her lip when Raven found out she was an orphan at sixteen.

She closed the book and put it on the nightstand. She stared up at the white ceiling, tracing the patterns with her eyes. The patterns were painted gold as they were twisting, curving vines with roses sprouting out of the vines. She sighed, she envied Raven. Raven had some kind on family, uncles, aunts, grandparents and what did Natalie have? Nothing - not including the Guardians. She closed her head and gripped her mother's locket.

Why did this happen to her? Why did Ruby have to run away? Why did Lee have to tease her? Questions flooded her head as tears prickled at her eyes, but they never came out. She still never let her emotions out, she still had to be strong - even though no one needed her too be but herself. She couldn't let Kosmotis win. Not Again.

After a few moments of silence, she gave up and crawled out of the - supposedly - silk bed and rummaged through the draws for her clothes that she always kept here. She pulled out some skinny jeans and a blank white T-shirt. She undressed and slipped her chosen outfit on. She glanced at the mirror and ruffled her hair a bit then walked out of the door and noted that she was at North's Warren.

She paused. She knew they were going to bombard her with questions. One that she couldn't say without talking and she only ever  talked to Sandman, but that was only when she was upset. Plus, Jack was going to be there and after that incident she could even look at him, she was so embarrassed. She thought about it and realized she was agruing with herself. Her eyes widened. I really need to get out more. She thought to herself shaking her head.

Eventually, she gave up and lost to herself - and that got her worried - and continued down the hallway, towards the room where she could hear booming laughter. "And then there was this black guy and Natalie fainted. I don't get what made -" Natalie glared at the white haired boy. She had leaned herself on the door frame and her clenched fists where faking. She bit down on her lip hard to stop from killing him - which she was tempted to.

Her glare hardened when all there eyes landed on her, but her gaze was set on Jack, silently asking if he had a death wish. He visibly gulped and seemed to shrink back. She took a step forward, but North threw her a warning glance, making her glare at both of them. Unclench her hands, she looked at Jack and drew a finger across her throat, clearly spelling out, I'll get you. One day. Then she turned on her heel and stormed out.


Bunnymund glared at Jack and growled, "Thanks, Jack. It'll take us forever to cool her down." Sandman shook his head at Jack and made his little plane to find where Natalie had stormed off to. Toothiana added on the Bunnymund's statement softly, "She and Pitch go back. Way back. If you really knew her, you would understand." North just stared at Jack with something in between anger, pain, being proud and hurt, but all he ended up doing was standing up and walking out of the room. Jack stared at the remaining Guardians and watched as Bunnymund disappeared through a tunnel and wondered: What did he do?


Natalie's frail body shook with sobs. Her leaned her body against the tree, tears streaming down the sides of her face as she titled it back. Her usually pale cheeks were red and puffy. She took a deep breath in, but found it impossible to stop. Another sob ripped through her body. "Natalie! Are you okay?!" A desperate voice exclaimed loudly. She looked at them and noticed that it was Bunnymund with Sandman. Although she couldn't see him, she knew Jack was there as well. She titled her head forward and shook her head, sliding down the tree.

Another sob. "Natalie!" Bunnymund said and sprinted towards her and pulled her into his chest. She gripped onto his fur and cried, burring her head. He picked her up bridal style and walked to Jack. "You're so lucky that she isn't punching everything that she sees but instead crying. So lucky." He growled and tapped the ground with his paw and jumped through the hole. Jack stared down the hole, the picture of Natalie crying burnt in his mind. He automatically felt guilty. "Wind, take me to North." He said into the wind. It obeyed and picked him up, flying him to the same place that Bunnymund was taking Natalie.

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