The New Kid, Will This Be A Day To Remember?

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"Hey Sadako! Did you hear? A new kid just joined the academy today, they say he's Deaths son!" Katsumi starts squealing like a little girl.
"Uh, I never heard about it. So does Death really have a son? I mean, I didn't even think he could get a woman to begin with." I close my locker door as I begin walking to my next class.
"I don't know yet, maybe you should talk to him. Blackstar fought him yesterday, he should know who he is." Katsumi finishes.
"Oh, ah, sure! I'll get on that!" I start to change the subject, "although, um, your pigtails are not completely strait." I stop and look at her nervously.
"Oh uh, go ahead I don't mind!" She stands still as I fix her hair in to a balanced position.
Once I'm finished that I run off to the class.
"EATER A, EATER A, we're was that again..." I finally make it to my class, Slowly I open the door and enter.
"Good morning Class! My name is Miss Akane. But please, call me Sadako. Do any of you have any questions before we start?" I sit at my desk and open the text book avoiding eye contact with any of the students.
"Uh, Miss?" I look up to see Maka with her hand up.
"I have a question, aren't you just a librarian? Why are you here in EATER?" She sounded high pitched and with a chirp like that it was hard to lie to her.
"Lord Death and I agreed that it was important for students in the DWMA that are collecting souls, should know more in mathematics."
"But why did you show up late then." Soul interrupts.
"Oh, I got caught up symmet- well let's just say that, my friend needed some help!" I don't want to make a bad first impression on this class.
"But how old are you?" Blackstar shouts rudely with his feet on his desk.
"I'm 12 years old! Please, take your feet off the desk." I keep my smile and try not to sound rude, I never wanted to start a fight.
"Hah! I'm older then you! Why should I listen to you?!" Blackstar begins laughing at his own joke while Tsubaki begins calming him down.
"Well then, if you insist... This is 'my' classroom, keeping it tidy is my only expectation here and if you would like to see me after class." I pause making a dark appearance. "I will gladly oblige you." I whisper in a terrible voice.
Blackstar slowly puts his feet back onto the floor as the class remains silent. "Anymore questions?" I cheer as one last hand went up. "Yes" I call
"So your still a miss, right?" A young man with black hair along with three strips greets me, I blush madly before I could respond.
"I, well yes!" I stutter.

Forbidden (Soul Eater• Death The Kid X Sadako / OC -Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now