ok hi

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So I come with a proposal, a challenge if you will. I give all of you, every single one of you, the permission to continue this story in any way you want.
BUT there are certain rules that must be upheld...

Bear has the same birthday and age as me so as of 11-15-2020 we turned 15

He is one of a kind, not once have einherji EVER been able to have children

Even Magnus and Alex don't know how it happened. They just had sex and woke up with a baby in the middle of the hallway with a note that said "To Magnus Chase and Alex Fierro: Congratulations it's a boy!" (They got a magic DNA test, he's theirs)

He's in school! Soooo do what you will with that...

He's bisexual! And gets crushes really easy.... Poor kid

Remember that he inheritanted powers from both his parents but can't heal himself with his powers

Bear also kinda thinks of Blitz and Hearth as his parents as well because they for the most part raised him

So yeah I guess that's it... Have fun and pm your versions I'd love to read them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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Bear Erikson FierrochaseWhere stories live. Discover now