♠Chapter One♠

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"Why do we have to do this stupid mission!?" Ino groans, annoyed as hell.
"You know what Pein said, we HAVE to kill them. We'll be killed by Pein himself if we don't." Sakura replied, snapping a bit at Ino. 

Hinata, Temari, and Tenten smiled worriedly as they walked through the forest. The crunch of leaves was the only noise that was made, a hum escaped from Tenten's mouth before she questioned "So which village are we going to anyway?" 

"The village hidden in the Mist, and then The village hidden in the Leaves." Sakura states

A village soon appeared into their sight, all five of them smirked and said in union

"The mission is a go! "

  A week later...

A knock filled the once quiet Hokage office.

"Come in!" Tsunade said in response to the knock, as five teenage boys came in. Sasuke Uchiha, Neji Hyuuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, and Sai. 

"Granny, why did you call us here, IS there a mission!?" Nauto asked now filled with excitement.

Tsunade nods to his question" Yes, Naruto. It is a mission, but yall won't be going to a new village, you will be staying here." she stated, Neji tilted his in complete confusion. " And why do we need to stay here. What's the rank for the mission anyway? Neji asks.

"This is an S-Rank mission. You see, last week the village in the mist was attacked. They injured the mizukage and killed half of their shinobi. The shinobi's that survived said it was five of them, but no specific details." Tsunade explains as the five boys eyes widen with horror.

How strong can they be?

Went all through their heads at that moment, it was quiet, but fear filled the atmosphere , Tsunade cleared  her throat and spoke out" Make sure to watch guard each day from 3 am till 10 pm, ok?" All five of the boys nodded and left the office.

" That was fun!" Tenten says giggling afterward as the five of them left the bloody scene that was behind them. Hinata nods and smiles, Ino tilts her head at Sakura
"Hey, Billboard Brow, are we close to that village?" Ino asks, her hair has a light bloodstain" Yeah, we've been walking for 2 days.." Temari mumbles to Sakura. Sakura sighs and points ahead to the village" If yall pay attention then yall would see that we're almost there" Sakura points out.
Hinata looks at her best friends" But aren't  they going to suspicious about us, I wouldn't doubt they wouldn't be on guard..." Hinata says with a soft tone. Tente's eyes glowed" Yes! You're right! We did in hurt a kage after all.." Tenten exclaims, agreeing with Hinata. " So how about we get fake names, it's not really vital but we need them not to know our real name just in case?" Temari suggests. The rest of them nods, " I'll be Hikari." Sakura says."Then I'll be Shurei!" Ino shouts. " I like the name Aisuru..." Hinata says with a warm smile. " I'll guess I'll be named Aimi.." Temari shrugs. " Then I am now Haruhi!" Tenten exclaims, smiling.

They all soon made at the entrance of the gate, a smirk crept on all their faces.

"The mission is a go!"

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