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Michael sucked on a lime green popsicle as he watched Calum dribble around his basketball. Luke and Ashton weren't there which was fine by Michael. Calum didn't feel the need to pound Michael senseless like Ashton did. Not that he was complaining. And Luke was just too shy and polite to actually do anything fun. And Michael was ok with that as well. He would just usually choose the most inappropriate topics and see how long it took for Luke to crack. His longest record was ten minutes. Michael liked it when it was just him and Calum because he always just wanted to hang out when he had Michael alone. Just regular dumb guy stuff. Calum shot the ball  towards the hoop and missed but Michael cheered anyway. He giggled as Calum playfully scowled at him, walking over and flopping into the shade next to Michael.
"I'm better at football then basketball."
Michael hummed and nodded, pulling the icy treat from his mouth with a pop.
"You'll go to college for it and get scouted and play professionally and- Oops!" Michael giggled as the lime green slush flew off his Popsicle and splattered on Calum's white singlet. Calum raised an eyebrow and frowned at Michael who in turn offered his most genuine smile.
"Your lucky it's just me. Ashton would wreck you for this."Calum sighed as he got up and headed inside to change his shirt.
"I like it when Ashton wrecks me." Michael giggled as Calum pretended to gag, falling to his knees and choking for breath.
Michael shook his head as he helped Calum out of his shirt. He dumped it into Cal's hamper and sat down on the plush rug at the end of the bed. Calum pulled on a black T-shirt and a pair of faded black skinnies. He started up his xbox and sat next to Michael. Michael snuggled close and Calum wrapped an arm around him and started up COD. Most people would be concerned at how  good Calum was at killing, his score always in the top ten in the world leader board, but Michael thought it was hot. He would encouraged Cal to kill as he listened to the other boys beg for there lives, then laugh as they swore when Calum listened to Michael. Michael didn't mind as Calum zoned out on him, focusing on his game. He liked that he was able to sit next to his friend, not a care in the world, Just hanging out. He giggled as Calum snipped a man, then waited for anyone near by to come take his stuff. He started as his phone vibrated, Calum huffing as he was distracted slightly by the movement.
Daddy💦😛 Where ate you?
Bitch boy🥺✨I'm at my brothers. Family get together *eye roll*
Daddy💦😛 Shut up Luke, you live for that shit.
Cumslut🥰❤️ That's mean :( sometimes family can be a bit much. I wish you were here Lukey
Bitch boy🥺✨ 1) thank you Michael. That means a lot to me <3
Cumslut🥺✨ OMG, I didn't even notice till now XD
Daddy💦😛 Don't know what your talking about ;)
Luke changed his name to baby girl
Baby girl🥺✨much better :)
Cumslut🥰❤️ I'm at Calum's. Our boy rippen it up on COD, but what else is new
Daddy💦😛 Stay with him till I'm off at work. I don't like it when your without one of us.
Baby girl🥺✨ Umm, HELLO, damsel in distress here?!? Nobody gonna come save me from my overbearing fam?
Cumslut🥰❤️ Nope *pops the P* Also whoever changed my name to cumslut, Nice ;P
Daddy💦😛 Your welcome :)
Daddy changed Luke to creamy cream pie
Creamy cream pie🥺✨STOOOOOP

 Baby girl🥺✨ Umm, HELLO, damsel in distress here?!? Nobody gonna come save me from my overbearing fam?Cumslut🥰❤️ Nope *pops the P* Also whoever changed my name to cumslut, Nice ;PDaddy💦😛 Your welcome :)Daddy changed Luke to creamy cream pieCre...

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Michael ignored Ashton's heated stare as he licked his Vanilla Ice Cream cone. Ashton had shown up three hours later and offered to take the two younger lads out for a treat. He took them to the Mall for a while, Michael and Calum skipping from store to store as Ashton trailed behind, buying stuff here and there. Michael and Calum giggled as Ashton bought two bottles of pink nail polish, whether because he felt bad about leaving Luke behind or just a random act of love, neither dared asked him. They then got dinner at McDonalds, but Ashton forced the two to get kid's meals. Both boys pouted but quickly cheered up at the promise of a frozen dessert afterwards. Now they were currently in an abandoned park, with Ashton pushing Calum on a swing while Michael sat on a see saw near by, finishing his cone. Even though it was dark out, it was still mega hot, which was why his Ice Cream was melting so quickly. Michael was doing his best to keep up, his cone was drooling white cream all over his hands, and it glossed his lips and cheeks, his pink tongue flicking out rapidly to catch the white droplets. He knew the sight was driving Ashton crazy but that's part of the fun.
"Oh my god! Smell like my grandma! I lover her so much but how long did you really need to hug your grandson?!"
Michael lept up and wrapped the taller male in a hug. He smiled as Luke patted the top of his head, gingerly taking the soaking cone that was offered.
"Gee, umm, thank you Michael." Luke curled his lip as he ditched the sticky mess, sucking creamy residue from his fingertips. A high pitched squeal stoped the little reunion in it's tracks. Two clearly drunk girls teetered over to the play ground, practically crawling. Michael, Luke, and Calum silently looked at Ashton for direction. He slowly scanned the area, then knelt before Michael, taking his hands in his.
"Do you wanna play baby? Get dirty?" Ashton cooed, smiling sweetly at Michael.
Michael nodded, breathless as Calum pushed close as Luke walked towards the girls, his shy demeanor ebbing away as he focused on the two targets. Ashton stood, pulling Calum and Michael close, nuzzling the two as a mother cat would to her kittens.
"Come along then, let's go play."

I'm not gonna lie, Totally forgot about this one😅 This is definitely gonna be a experiment book so, If there's something you want to see, or a certain ship just let me know😌Happy Trails brotatoes ✨💛🌻💛✨

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I'm not gonna lie, Totally forgot about this one😅 This is definitely gonna be a experiment book so, If there's something you want to see, or a certain ship just let me know😌
Happy Trails brotatoes ✨💛🌻💛✨

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