Day 1 of 7

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I woke up a short time later and was confused. Why was I in the same bed as Ittetsu? Oh, that's right. He had a nightmare. He was still asleep and he looked so cute. I was studying his face when his eyes began to open. I quickly looked away. "Good morning," I said. "Morning." He mumbled sleepily. I slowly sat up immediately missing the warmth and I went to pick out an outfit for the day. "Keishin, do we have time to go for a walk by the lake before breakfast," Ittetsu asked. The team would eat breakfast together every morning. "we have thirty minutes. If you hurry up and get ready we can go." I said. I handed him a granola bar and we started to get ready.

A little while later we began to walk to the lake together. "Keishin, I'm sorry about last night," Ittetsu said. "Ittetsu, it's fine. It wasn't your fault." I said. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and grabbed my lighter. "you really shouldn't do that. It is bad for your health." Ittetsu said. I lit the cigarette and put it in my mouth. " I know," I said. I did not care that much.

Ittetsu went to stand in front of me and he stopped there. I almost ran into him because it was so sudden. "What?" I asked. he reached up and grabbed my cigarette out of my mouth. "Give it back," I said. I was starting to get annoyed. "No." He said weakly. Was he crying?

"Are you okay?" I asked. He threw the cigarette on the ground and put it out with his foot. "My dad smoked a lot and he always smelled like it. Anyways, can we go to the lake now?" Ittetsu said. "Yeah," I said after I got over the shock. We walked to the lake together and started to walk by the water. It's autumn so it is a little cold. I had on a long sleeve shirt and a jacket and Ittetsu was wearing a t-shirt. He was shivering too. I guess he forgot his jacket.

I took off my jacket and held it out for him to take. "What are you doing?" Ittetsu asked. "Take it. You're shivering and I'm fine." I said. He hesitated a bit before he took my jacket and put it on. It was too big on him and it fell past his thighs. He looked so cute. I could feel my face heating up. "Thanks Keishin," Ittetsu said. "Anytime," I responded.

"Take this," Ittetsu said. He handed me a sucker. "What is this for?" I asked. "It helps you quit smoking. Whenever you feel like you want to smoke, just grab a sucker." Ittetsu said. I thanked him and popped the sucker in my mouth. "We should get to the cafeteria for breakfast," Ittetsu said. We walked back to the cafeteria and saw that the team was already there eating pancakes. Me and Ittetsu sat down and started to eat. "Hey, Takeda. What do you have Ukai's jacket for?" Tanaka asked, making me blush. I think I may have seen a faint blush on Ittetsu's face as well. "He was cold and he forgot his jacket," I said.

"Really? So why are you both blushing?" Nishinoya giggled. "Don't ask personal questions like that," Daichi said, even though he looked curious himself. I looked over at Ittetsu and his face looked a little red. It was probably because of the cold. "It was cold outside." He said. I noticed that everyone was done eating. "We should start practice," I said. Practice went on for quite a while before it ended.

Ittetsu went to the restroom and I walked over to the playground and sat on a swing. Now that I was alone, I realized I could smoke a cigarette. I lit one and put it in my mouth. I realized that Ittetsu might get mad at me if he caught me but I made no move to put it out. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

All of a sudden, I felt someone take my cigarette from my mouth. My eyes flew open and I saw Ittetsu standing there. "You smell like smoke." He said putting it out. "Sorry," I said. He looked at me then walked away ignoring what I said. "Ittetsu, I'm serious," I said. He handed me a few suckers and looked down. "Hand me the pack." He said. I did not even have to ask him what he was talking about. I handed all my packs of cigarettes and he threw them in the trash can but kept one cigarette out of the box. "That is all of the packs I brought with me. Also, why did you keep one?" I said. "Just in case. If you want it then tell me, but only if you need it, but you should not need it." Ittetsu said. I nodded and smiled. "You smell like smoke," Ittetsu repeated. That was when he sprayed me with something. "What the hell," I yelled. "It's just my cologne." He said.

I smelled his cologne and it smelled just like him. I mumbled a quick thanks then sat back on the swing I was on before. "Do you want to come to the rock wall with me?"Ittetsu asked. "Sure," I said. His face was so cute. We went to the rock wall and I leaned against it while he started to climb. It wasn't that high up. If he fell at a certain angle the least he could do is hurt his ankle. If he fell he might be a bit bruised but that is all. Soon enough he made it to the top. He stood up but there wasn't that much space to stand. "Look, I made it," he said waving. Then he lost his footing. "Ittetsu!" I screamed. With the way he fell if he hit the ground he could break his neck. I immediately ran over to him and he landed in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah. Thanks, Keishin," he said. I let out a sigh of relief before I realized I was still holding him bridal style. I quickly put him and down and I looked away to hide my blush. "We should go to lunch," I said. "Yeah." He responded. We went to lunch and everyone quickly ate. "Listen up, everyone. Tomorrow we will have volleyball practice at the normal time. We will also go on the zipline thirty minutes after lunch tomorrow. Also, during supper tomorrow we will have a movie night. On day 3, we will practice and we will roast marshmallows after supper. On day 4, we will play board games after lunch. Day 5, We are going to have a picnic by the lake for lunch. On day 6, you guys get to play truth or dare or would you rather or whatever, just a basic teenager game night. On day 7, We will leave after supper." I said.

After lunch, I went back to the cabin. It was around thirty minutes afternoon. I sat down on the couch and got out one of the suckers Ittetsu gave me. It was a blue raspberry one. I heard the door open and I looked over to where Ittetsu was. He smiled at me and sat down next to me.

"You're using the sucker I gave you." He said. "Yeah. They are helping I guess." I said. He laughed and grabbed a board game. It was checkers. "Do you want to play?" He asked cutely. "Sure," I said. We played board games until supper and we went to go eat. After supper, I went back to the cabin and I was extremely tired. I got ready for bed and walked to the room.

I started to walk towards my bed when I felt someone grab my arm. "Ittetsu, what is wrong?" I asked. "I- can we- I want to-." He said searching for the right words. I already knew exactly what he wanted though. I took his glasses off and set them on the dresser. After that, I took his arm and walked over to his bed. "You want me to stay with you, don't you?" I asked. He hesitated before nodding. We both laid down. And he buried his head in my pajama shirt. "Goodnight," I said. "Goodnight," Ittetsu mumbled.

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