Day 2 of 7

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I woke up the next morning and saw Ittetsu still holding on to me. I blushed slightly and looked away. He didn't have a nightmare last night. I wonder if it is because of me. He started to move around before his eyes started to open, but he made no effort to get up. "what time is it?" Ittetsu asked. "It is five in the morning and breakfast is at seven," I said softly since he just woke up.

"What are today's events?" He asked. He still made no effort to move. "We are doing the zip line thirty minutes after lunch and we are having a movie night during supper." I said. "give me thirty more minutes." Ittetsu said. He cuddled up to me and closed his eyes.

Thirty minutes had passed and he eventually got up. I went to get dressed and take a shower even though I took one last night. After I showered I put on jeans and a sweatshirt. When I went into the room I looked over at Ittetsu and my face immediately grew red. He was wearing blue skinny jeans and one of my sweatshirts.

He looked at me then looked down then looked back at me. "What they are big and comfy." He said. "It's fine," I said. He looked so cute in my sweatshirts. "we should get to breakfast." he said. Me and Ittetsu walked to the cafeteria and he stopped me before I went in. "What?" I asked. "I saw your blush when you saw me wearing your sweatshirt." He said. Before I could say anything, he walked into the cafeteria for breakfast. I quickly followed after him and took my seat next to him.

"Takeda, did you forget your jacket again?" Tanaka asked. "No, his jackets are just more comfortable," he said looking toward me. I looked down to hide my blush. After breakfast we had practice and I loved watching Ittetsu get excited over the little things. I love Ittetsu. Wait, what am I saying. Oh, who am I kidding? Why deny it. I love Ittetsu. "Hello. You there?" Ittetsu said waving a hand in front of my face. "What?" I asked confused. "Practice is over. Everyone has left. Are you ok?" Ittetsu said. "Yeah," I said.

I got up and started to walk towards the swings. "Where are you going?" Ittetsu asked. "Swings. Are you coming?" I asked. I stood there waiting for him to catch up. "Yeah." He said. He ran up to me and started following me like a small puppy. when we got there I sat on a swing and put one of my suckers in my mouth. Ittetsu sat on the swing beside me. "Keishin, can I tell you something without you laughing?" Ittetsu asked. "What's up?" I asked. "I never learned how to swing or swim before," he said. I turned towards him and stood up. "what are you doing?" He asked. "Teaching you how to swing. Also, I forgot to mention this but there is an indoor pool here so we can go swimming." I said. "I don't have a swimsuit," Ittetsu said. "You can borrow one of mine," I said. I started to push him on the swing and help him out. After an hour of this, he finally was able to do it on his own.

"Look I can do it," Ittetsu said. I laughed at him and smiled. "Good job," I said. "Hey, we should ask each other questions to get to know each other more," Ittetsu said slowing the swing down with his foot. "That is okay with me. I'll start. What is your favorite place to be?" I asked. "I guess the woods." He responded. That is interesting. I wonder if I should ask him about what he said before breakfast when it is my turn again. I decided I probably should not. Hell, he is probably straight. "Red or blue?" Ittetsu asked. "Blue," I said. I always liked the color blue. "What is your sexuality?" I asked without thinking. Shit. Did I just ask him that?

"I'm gay." He said. Yes! He likes guys. I began to cheer in my head. "Really? Me too." I said. He looked at me with a small look of surprise. "So, you're not weirded out?" he asked. "No, of course not," I said. He looked a little shocked but quickly covered it up. "We can swim after we do the zip line," I said. "Okay, that sounds great. Also, I am a little scared. I have never been on a zip line before." Ittetsu said. "Me neither," I said. "I have also never been on a roller coaster." He said. "Seriously? I am taking you to an amusement park after this trip." I said. "Okay," Ittetsu said.

We talked for a little while more before we went to lunch. At lunch, we quickly ate and thirty minutes later, we all headed over to the zip line. The kids went before everyone and eventually it was just me and Ittetsu. "You go first." He said. I could tell he was trying to calm his nerves so I went ahead and went. It was fun and was not scary at all to me. The team had already gone off to do their things and I was waiting at the bottom of the zip line.

Ittetsu eventually got to the bottom and he ran over to me. "That was so cool. I could see so much and I was so high up. That was so amazing. The wind even felt great." he said blushing. I laughed at him and looked over at his messy hair. "Your hair is a mess," I said, fixing it for him. "Thanks," Ittetsu said. "We can grab the swimsuits from the cabin and we can put them on in the restroom at the indoor pool. Come on." I said.

We went to the cabin and I grabbed two plain black swimsuits and then Ittetsu and I walked to the indoor pool. After we had both changed I jumped into the water. It was just up to my shoulder. "come on." I said. "I don't think I can touch the bottom there. I am shorter than you." He said.

"Trust me," I said pulling him in the water. He could only barely touch even on the tip of his toes so I held him up. "Thanks," Ittetsu said. I held him up and told him what to do to help him swim. After a while, I decided to try something. "I'm going to let go and you try to swim. I will be right here to help if something goes wrong." I said. I slowly let him go. as soon as I let him go he started to freak out. "Keishin, no." He yelled. He quickly grabbed on to me and refused to let go. "Hey, it's okay. You were swimming. You were swimming before you grabbed on to me. You can do it." I said.

I let go of him again and he was able to stay above water. "see, you're doing great." I said. He kept swimming a bit then grabbed on to me when he needed a break. "Hey, Ittetsu. Dinner should be soon. We should go." I said. "Okay. Thanks, Keishin," he said, resting his head on my shoulder. I blushed so hard. I carried him out of the water and he only let go of me after we were completely out of the water.

I set him down and we both went to change. After we were done changing, we went to dinner. The movie that we would be watching was a mix between horror and a thriller. This would be interesting. Everyone got some pizza and blankets and we all sat down. Me and Ittetsu sat at the back. I put a blanket over the both of us and we started to eat our pizza.

We were a little through the movie and Ittetsu had started to get closer to me. All of a sudden, a jump scare popped up and Ittetsu flinched and grab my arm, cuddling up closer to me. He was so cute. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I want to see what happens, I just get scared easily," Ittetsu said. He continued to hold on to my arm and stay close to me as we watched the rest of the movie.

After a while, it was near the end and Ittetsu's head was rested against my chest. He looked so adorable. After a while, the movie ended, and Ittetsu and I had to get up. Ittetsu stood up and I stood up after him. We walked back to the cabin only making small talk. When we got back to the cabin, we got ready for bed. When I went into the bedroom I walked over to Ittetsu's bed where he was laying and I laid down next to him without even thinking about it. I pulled him close to me and he buried his face in my chest. "Goodnight," he said, falling asleep. He is probably tired from all the swimming we did.

"Goodnight," I said. I decided to take a risk and I leaned forward a little. I looked down at Ittetsu and kissed his forehead. After I did that, he stirred around a bit and looked up at me, before he buried his face in my chest and closed his eyes. He was awake the whole time! He started giggling. "Go to sleep." I said. "goodnight, Kei." Ittetsu said. Kei? Did he just give me a nickname? "Goodnight, cutie," I said, but he was probably already asleep.

(Ukatake) Same teamWhere stories live. Discover now