Day 4 of 7

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I could get used to waking up with Ittetsu. I slowly removed my hand from his soft messy hair and sat up. "Kei, where are you going?" Ittetsu asked. "Babe, we have to get up and get ready for breakfast," I said, softly. "Okay. What do we have to do today?" Ittetsu asked. "We are playing board games after lunch," I said. "Okay," Ittetsu said.

We went to breakfast like usual and practice. I watched Ittetsu get excited over little volleyball things. After practice, we went back to the cabin. "I'm tired," Ittetsu said. I was sitting on the couch and he walked up next to me and laid his head in my lap. I started to pet his hair and he snuggled up close to me. After a while, he fell asleep. He looked so cute when he slept.

I pulled out a random book and started to read it. After a while, Ittetsu woke up and went for a walk. I was alone in the cabin. After a while, he had still not returned. It was getting time for lunch so I decided to go look for him. After a while, I found him behind the indoor pool building.

The only problem was that he was kissing one of the girls who worked there. Her name tag said, Haley. I stood there and tried my best not to cry. I need to get away from here. After a few seconds, Ittetsu noticed me. I ran away, even though Ittetsu was yelling my name.

I ran to the cabin and went to the dresser. I dug around in the dresser until I found what I was looking for. After I found the cigarette, I ran to the woods and sat by a tree. I lit the cigarette and started to smoke it. Why the hell would he cheat? I could not stop the tears from falling. I guess I cared about him a lot.

"I thought you said you would quit doing that," Ittetsu said behind me. "And I never thought I would find you kissing another girl," I said. "I didn't mean to," Ittetsu said. "What? You didn't mean to? Seriously? Ittetsu, I cared about you a lot. I comforted you when you were having a nightmare. I woke up with you this morning. I taught you how to swing and swim. I was going to give you a key to my apartment. If you didn't like me you could have just told me instead of me finding out like this. It hurts. It does. I hate that I love you, Ittetsu." I said.

I realized what I said and I put my hand over my mouth. I just told Ittetsu that I loved him. "You love me?" Ittetsu asked. "Yeah. I did." I said, crying. Ittetsu was also crying at this point. "I love you too," Ittetsu said, hugging me. "Stop," I said weakly. I stepped away from him and looked down. "Keishin. I love you so much. I love you. Dammit! I love you. I didn't even want to kiss her. She kissed me. I love you." Ittetsu screamed. I had never heard him cuss before and he just said that he loves me so many times. He also screamed at me.

"I love you, Ittetsu," I said. "I love you, Keishin," Ittetsu said. I walked back over to him and hugged him. I quickly picked him and kissed him softly. Ittetsu reached behind him and grabbed the cigarette I was holding. After that, he jumped out of my arms and put out the cigarette. Then, he threw it away.

"You smell like smoke," Ittetsu said, disappointed. "I'm sorry. I know I said I would stop. I wasn't thinking." I said. "It's okay. We should go to lunch." Ittetsu said, spraying cologne on me. I noticed Ittetsu was still wearing the jacket I let him borrow this morning and smiled. He started to walk towards the cafeteria, but I ran up to him and hugged him from behind. I kissed his cheek and continued to hug him.

He smiled at me then grabbed my hand and we walked to the cafeteria again. When we got there we sat down to eat, like we always do. After dinner, we sat down to play board games. Me and Ittetsu sat near Nishinoya, Hinata, Sugawara, and Kageyama to play monopoly. Sugawara ended up winning. After that, I went back to the cabin with Ittetsu.

I laid on the couch and Ittetsu laid on my lap. I pulled out the book I was reading before and continued to read it. Ittetsu snatched the book from my hand and put it on the side table. "What was that for?" I asked. Instead of answering he scooted up and kissed me then laid his head on my chest while blushing. "Cutie," I said, playing with his hair. He looked at me then laid back down. "Love, what is it?" I asked. "Nothing, I just want to lay here with you and cuddle," Ittetsu said.

I kissed his forehead softly and wrapped one arm around him while my other hand played with his soft hair. "I love you," I said. "I love you," Ittetsu said. Right after that, someone knocked on the door. Ittetsu and I got up and we to the door. I opened it and the girl from before was there. "Is Ittetsu here?" She asked.

"My boyfriend? Yes, he is. Why?" I asked. "What?" She asked, finally noticing Ittetsu. "I asked you why you wanted to see my boyfriend," I said. "Is what he saying true." the girl asked, looking towards Ittetsu. "You are talking to me right now," I said. Slap! She slapped Ittetsu. I slammed the door shut and went right over to Ittetsu. He was crying, shaking, and breathing rapidly.

I walked over to the couch and sat him down in my lap, hugging him. I took his glasses off and set them to the side. "Hey, look at me. It will be okay. You are here with me. You will be okay. Do you need anything? I can get you whatever you want." I said. "Just stay here with me," Ittetsu said, cuddling up to me.

I laid down with him laying on my chest and held him like I did before. I kissed the cheek that had been slapped and held him until we both fell asleep. I awoke a little before dinner. Ittetsu was already awake and he was reading the book that I had been reading. Hey, babe. Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I am Shin. I am going to call you Shin now. Is that okay?" Ittetsu asked. (A/N I realized that Kei could also be used for Tsukishima so I changed the nickname.)

"Of course," I said. "Okay," he said. "Tetsu, let's go to dinner," I said, using the nickname I made for him. "Yeah, we should go," he said, smiling. I sat up and kissed him before standing up and fixing my hair. "Your hair also looks good down," Ittetsu said. "Thanks, but this keeps my hair out of my eyes," I said. "That makes sense." Ittetsu giggled. Ittetsu hugged me from behind and we stayed like that while I fixed my hair. "Okay, I'm ready. We should go eat." I said.

We walked out the door and went to the cafeteria. I sat down next to Ittetsu as usual and then we left. Instead of going back to the cabin, I led Ittetsu to the lake. "Why are we at the lake?" Ittetsu asked. "Babe, I love you. I do." I said. "I love you too. Oh no, is this bad." Ittetsu said. "No. It isn't bad at all. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved you." I said. "Where is this going?" He asked. "I know I said I would give you a key to my apartment and everything, but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to permanently move in," I said. "Really? Are you sure?" He asked. "I'm sure," I said. "Yes. Thank you so much. I love you." Ittetsu said. "I love you too," I said.

Eventually, we went back to the cabin. We both took showers and got ready for bed. I laid down with Ittetsu and held him close to me. I kissed his forehead and we both eventually went to sleep.

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