Chapter 1

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"Get up," My uncle said, pushing me off my bed, causing me to fall with an oomf.

"I would if gravity weren't a thing," I muttered, underneath my breath.

"Pardon me?" He questioned.

"I said 'I like your cut, G'," With that, I ran as fast as my little legs could go.

You'd be surprised.

"Why must you always be running?" Exasperated Draco, grabbing his belongings and attempting to run after me.

"My legs get bored," I shrugged. Draco opened his mouth, only to close it after a few seconds of deliberation.

"I'm so glad I don't have to put up with you during school," he finally said.

"Oh, come on, cuz, you know you love me," I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"Despise is a closer word but okay, " he muttered.

"Dunno where this sass is coming from, " I said

"Well, it all happened when my mum met my dad and they f-," he began and yet was interrupted by said mum.

"Draco, darling, you better not be terrorising your cousin," she warned.

"Why, auntie, Draco is being such a meanie, he refuses to admit how much he loves me," I said, pretending to cry and wipe my tears with an imaginary tissue.

"Drama queen," I heard Draco mutter, attempting to 'hide' it with a cough.

"Don't think I didn't hear that, mister," his mother warned, "Now, we better leave for the station, don't want you all to miss the train."

With that, we left the manor, leaving behind a very perplexed Lucius Malfoy.

"What on earth is a cut and what is a 'g' ?"

"Thank you ever so much, dear cousin," I said, laying on a thick, posh accent, "Why it was ever so thoughtful of you to carry my trunk."

Draco looked at me suspiciously, "Why are you speaking poshly? You only do that when you are in large amounts of trouble because you were being an idiot. Again."

"Well," I began.

"Oh dear god, what is going to come out of your mouth?"

"There's a slight chance, a very, very small chance,  that I could have possibly ruined your hair gel," I said the last few words in a whisper,  hoping that Draco wouldn't be able to hear me.

I was wrong.

"You WHAT?" He exclaimed, his gelled back hair appearing to frizz out of its static position, on top of his head.

"I always knew you were dumb but I never knew you were deaf as well," I exasperate, "I said-"

"I heard what you said, y/n!" He interrupted, though he appeared to become frighteningly calm afterwards, "You have three seconds-"

"Don't have to tell me twice," I said, though I was already running across the train, in an attempt to find a spare compartment.

Luck was evidently on my side, finally, as I was able to find one, inside being Seamus Finnigan and his friend, Dean Thomas.

"We'll speak of the devil," said Dean.

"Please, the devil wishes it could look this gorgeous," I said, pretending to flip my hair back.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the corridor, "Y/N!"

"Welp," I said, before hiding behind anything that I could find. In the end, I decided to pretend to be a lamp.

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