Chapter 2

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I had been having an amazing dream (probably, I don't know, I was asleep) when I was awoken by a shrill voice, causing me to fall off my bed.

Why can I never wake up with an alarm clock, like a normal person?

"GEORGE!" I heard the voice scream, most likely being Percy.

I groaned, clambering on to two, unsteady legs.  I grabbed my robes and began to dress myself, not taking longer than 5 minutes. With a yawn, I grabbed my brush and started my attempt to tame my wild mess of a hair.

When I was finished getting prepared for the day, I walked towards the common room, to see if Harry and Dev were there already. Dev was however Harry appeared to still be in the dorms.

To my left, I could hear the Weasley twins snickering.

Probably remembering some prank they did.

"Why must you two always be misbehaving?" I heard Percy say, his badge shining with the letters HB written across it.

"Why must you always be a joy kill?" I heard Fred ask back, earning a small snicker from George.

I didn't listen in to the rest of the conversation , though, as Harry had arrived, rushing out apologies.


As always, breakfast was amazing, or maybe I was just starving. I was shovelling food down my throat, as all graceful ladies do, when I suddenly remembered something.

"Jeff!" I exclaimed out load, without realising I had said it out loud, jumping to my feet.

"I'm Seamus remember?" Seamus said, though in a jokey manner.

"No, Jeff, my toad," I said, realising that I had forgotten to feed it this morning.

"I almost forgot you had a pet," I heard Dev say.

"Same," I quickly responded before running out the hall, only slowing down slightly when I saw Professor Mcgonagall.

"Morning, miss Lestrange," she greeted, as she walked by.

"Morning," I squeaked, immediately running as fast as I could after I realised she had left.

I was panting, desperately hoping to reach the Dorms before the first lesson of the day. I didn't even notice, or care, when I bumped into a figure on the way. I only managed to see a flash of red hair. I didn't care, I was too busy worrying if Jeff was currently laying sprawled out on the window sill as the stupid Dementors sucked it's soul out.

Dramatic, I know, but you never know, it could actually happen.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as the portrait of the fat lady was in sight. I ran past portraits, some calmly enjoying having a nice conversation with one another, others having feasts, and was finally able to huff out the password.

As I entered, I realised how eerie the dorms were when they were just silent and vacant. I also noticed that the floor really needed re-modelling, loud creaks sounding underneath my feet.

I finally spotted Jeff lying on my bed and quickly threw some food his way, apologising for forgetting to feed him.

Don't ask as to why I just apologised to a toad, I simply did.

As quickly as I had rushed into the room, I rushed out of it and into the common room, not noticing that someone had left the dorms at the same time as I had.

"Looks like someone is in a hurry," the person, who I realised to be George, spoke.

"Omg, no shit Sherlock!" I sarcastically gasped. Do people usually run around in a panic if they're just simply having a jolly old time?

Daddy issues- G.WUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum