Pt.5 "Christmas day"

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It was Christmas, all went down to eat and get ready for the day. As I was getting ready on my room, Louis showed up.
L: morning, woah u look so pretty
Y/n: morning Loui haha thank u (blushed)
L: soo wanna come down to eat?
Y/n: yea sure I'm done actually
Both of u guys went down to the kitchen, sat there and ate. All the day you spend playing w snow, going skiing and when it darkened u spend the night watching movies until to open presents. I gave to all the presents I bought and I let louis for the last.
L: so I guess this is mine?
Y/n: umm idk I'm looking for a boy named Louis Partridge
L: oh miss ur right, Louis come get ur present here(laughing)
L:(opened the present) damn Y/n this is my favorite, thank u soo much, but for urs u have to wait until all will fall asleep, so u better stay here.
U waited for all to go to sleep.
M: Y/n u won't come?
Y/n: oh I'm waiting the Louis gift he said that I—
(Louis gave a "go" look to Millie)
M: I should better go to bed cuz I'm so tired night
Y/n: night Millie
(She left)
Y/n: Loui guess all went to sleep
L: you'll come with me but I want ur eyes to be closed
Y/n: is this a game or what?
L: please
Y/n: okayy(u closed ur eyes)
Louis helped u to go upstairs but u had no idea where he were sending u, u felt a little cold. He brought me to his balcony.
L: keep ur eyes closed just a second
You felt that around ur neck he was putting a necklace.
L: now open
You saw the necklace that u wanted from the mall.
Y/n: OMG Louis how did u know that I wanted that?
L: Guess I've my ways
Y/n: Omg I literally love it, thank you, thank you
L: glad u love it but I want to say something that is really important
Y/n: sure?
L: look since couple years ago I started feeling kinda idk how to explain, Than I figure out that I was in love
Y/n: yeah...?
L: and this girl meant the world to me and she is you, Y/n I love you with all my heart. Idk it maybe seems weird cuz we have been friends for ages but I do love you so much
Y/n: oh.. I hm..
L: is okay if u don't love me... at least I've noticed that you—
You went close to him and interrupted with a kiss
Y/n: Louis Partridge I'm in love with you too, I've noticed the way u look at me, u gave me butterflies.
L: (tearing) babe I had years that I've waited this moment. I promise I'll make you happy
Y/n: without a doubt you will I'm sure for it.
Both of you were sitting on the balcony while snowing.
Y/n: Loui I've cold
L: let's go inside, I will give you my hoodies
You went inside and U got changed.
L: come here
He grabbed you and pulled to hiself.
Y/n: babe is almost 3am we have to sleep
L: let's sleep together
Y/n: we can't others can catch us
L: come on our moms always had thought that we are perfect for each other.
Y/n: I know but..
L: ur scared?
Y/n: idk what I have (nervous)
L: (hugs you) are u alright now
Y/n: guess so
L: my Y/n I really need you in my life, I love you forever.
Y/n: I love you too
You both cuddle until u fall asleep to each other arms.

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