4. Sunrise

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Alex's POV: 

I had almost forgotten where I was when I woke up. I felt my head on Willie's chest and then I remembered. I felt Willie's hand in my hair. Aaaaaannnddddd I got the butterflies. BIG TIME. There was a swarm of them dancing the conga in my stomach. I felt Willie move and start to stir so I lifted my head off of his chest. Was I making him uncomfortable? That's the last thing I would want to do.  When I started to move out of his grasp, I felt the hand in my hair bring me towards his head. Our lips had almost collided for the third time! In 24 hours! God, maybe the afterlife is better than real life. 

"Don't leave," I heard Willie say with his eyes still closed, as he shifted his head onto my chest. 

I was blushing profusely now. 

"Ok," I managed to say in between smiles.

I thanked God for Willie. He is literally the reason I am alive. I mean- not alive but like- you know what? Forget it. Just forget it. I felt Willie place his hand around my body and with his eyes still closed, he kissed me on the cheek. I started to smile in a way I had never before. This was not a fake or temporary smile. The happiness was pouring out of my soul. Willie's head shifted to my chest and he could probably hear how fast my heart was beating. ALLLLEEEEEEXXXX GET YOURSELF TOGETHER, MAN! But that didn't stop the little drummer boy in my chest. I felt it go faster and faster and I could practically hear it now. Ghosts aren't supposed to have hearts! So why is mine acting up like this? I felt Willie tilt his head up to me and he looked at me with sleepy eyes and a small smile. 

"Hey," he said. 

"Good morning sleepy head," I teased softly.

Willie let out a small giggle. 

Willie sat up and started to stretch.  I lifted my head from the ground and sat in criss cross position. Willie was just staring at me. I stared back of course. It was hard to resist looking into his eyes. Willie leaned towards me and brushed the hair out of my face. I felt my face grow red.

"Now that, was probably the best sleep I have gotten since I died," Willie laughed, attempting to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, same. Luke always snores and Reggie sings country songs in his sleep. That guy is something else," I snorted. 

(home is where my horse is is my cry song lmao jk) 

Willie smiled at me.

"Hey hotdog, look," Willie said pointing into the sky. 

I look at the spot where he was pointing and saw that there was a beautiful sunrise that seemed to be emerging from the ground. It was bursting with pinks, purples, blues, yellows, and oranges. It was beautiful. 

"Wow," I said, awestruck. 


"Yeah," Willie mumbled.

Willie placed a hand on mine and let out a small sigh.  I grinned and looked into the whirlwind of color that surrounded us. Then I realized something. I knew what I had to do. I mustered all of my courage together and took some deep breaths. 

"Hey Willie?" I asked, softly.

"Mhm?" he responded. 

I took one last deep breath.

"Can I kiss you?" I blurted out. 

Oh God. I had really done it now.


Willie's POV:

Alex and I had kissed before but he was never the one to instigate it. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. But I was all for it. Alex had this look on his face like he was about to throw up. But when I nodded, his face relaxed. He reached over to my face and cupped his hands around my cheeks. They were warm and heated up my face. Or that might have just been me blushing. He slowly pulled me in and met my lips with his. They were soft. Something that felt like a surge of electricity filled my body from head to toe. This kiss was a little longer than the others we had had before, but it was just as sweet and loving. I wrapped my hands around Alex's waist and pulled him in tight. We carried on for a short while longer until Alex pulled away.

"Holy Moly," he said.

We both looked at each other and started to smirk. Then Alex started to giggle. I started to laugh. He and I were cracking up for no apparent reason. When we both though it was over, one of us would look at the other and it would all start over again. I honestly didn't know what was better, the kiss or the laughing. Both just filled me with pure joy. 


Alex's POV: 

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard. I didn't even know I had one. I knew I had to get going soon because the guys were probably worried about me. 

"Hey Willie, I should probably get going. The guys are probably worried about me. Thank you for everything," I said, standing up. 

"Alright," Willie said, with a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. 

He stood up and grabbed my hand. 

"It's been really great, Alex. We should do this again soon. I am so glad that you didn't cross over,"  Willie said with a small smile on his face. 

"Yeah. Me too. And let's for sure do this again. Hey, you know what? Maybe I can talk to Julie and maybe you could come over to the garage tomorrow, you know, to like hang out and stuff," I suggested. 

"That would be awesome," Willie said, smiling.

I hugged Willie one more time before I left.

"Catch you later, hotdog," Willie smirked.

And just like that, I poofed out into the abyss. 


Hey everyone! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700+ READS! I am so happy that you all are enjoying my stories. It means a lot. Sorry if this has a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes because I am wiped out from my finals. Thanks again! 

- molls :) 

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