~Chapter 3~ Beautiful

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Yo guys look I made a thingy of (Y/N) on Saitama's back when she's disguised as a human and when she's now okay let's get to the chapter-

"Impossible!" a man yelled, dozens of clones of himself stand behind him. "Our elite force, formed for the extermination of these obsolete humans, wiped out?!"

One of the clones spoke up. "According to the Armored Gorilla's report, the three responsible are on their way here."

Up on the screen appeared Saitama, Genos, and (Y/N). "If they come, all our research, everything we've been working on, could be destroyed. This is a serious matter."

The man stared up at (Y/N). "Who is she...? The other two dueled with mosquito girl, but where did this woman come from?"

"We are unsure. However, she appears to be some sort of spider monster disguised as a human. According to several sources, she is a former human college student (Y/N), who has been known to have quite the interest in Arachnology. Based on several news and police reports, one day a friend of hers went to check on her, but instead found her as a monster, though no one knows how it happened. It is said she took in a spider as a pet one day and studied it with great curiosity until the point of her transformation. Both the girl and the spider disappeared without a trace after that day. It appears that she hides her monster form in order to continue living a normal human life."

"... She is perfect." The clones all took a step back as the scientist started shaking, staring at the ground with clenched fists as he let out a low laugh.

"She... She understands!" He stared into the palms of his twitching hands, a crazed decorating his face. "She... She gets it!"

His eyes darted toward the (H/C)ette beauty. "She must have had the same idea as me, she must have! (Y/N), (Y/N)...! Oh, you didn't follow in anyone's footsteps, you came up with the idea by yourself, you clever girl! You understand humanity's need to evolve! And so you evolved yourself! (Y/N)... (Y/N)... Such a beautiful name... Of course it makes sense... (Y/N)... A beautiful name for a beautiful girl with a beautiful mind... Oh, but the world forces you to hide this beauty of yours! But no longer... I swear on my life, (Y/N)... You will have no need to hide any longer...

"Yes... I need her."

With a final laugh, his tone was now back to a serious one. "The only option is to use our trump card." The clones gasped and stared in shock at the man's statement. "Begin preparations for the release of Carnage Kabuto."

"I didn't think we'd be running the whole way," Genos said while he and Saitama ran through the forest, (Y/N) keeping a tight grip on Saitama's outfit.

"How else are we gonna get there?" Saitama questioned.

"I was sure you could fly or something," Genos responded.

"Saitama's human, he can't fly, silly!" (Y/N) pointed out with a cheeky grin.

The duo jumped over a wall of rocks. "It's amazing you are never late. You are a true hero."

""Never late"? Who put that in your head?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head, "He hardly ever makes it on time!"

"Hey, no need to call me out on that, y'know!" Saitama exclaimed, tilting his head back to catch a glimpse of the girl.

"I'm not lying, am I?" (Y/N) teased, flicking Saitama's head.

"Master, (Y/N)-san," Genos spoke up as they landed, "We're here."

They all looked up as Saitama let (Y/N) climb off his back. "This is the place the gorilla told us of. So this is the House of Evolution..."

"I could probably climb that thing..." (Y/N) mumbled, tapping her chin, "You know, peak in and see what kind of traps they have..."

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