Apparently 3 hour naps makes you depressed

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I use to internally fight whenever I unwillingly closed my eyes. Thanks to sleep being a stupid necessity to keep oneself 'normal' and my constant need to fight this necessity, insomnia and an overall drowsy feeling was made a frequent occurrence. The reason as to why I used to battle this urge is because of the trauma and the nightmares. Every fucking time that I closed my eyes, I saw what made me like this, what caused me to lose an entire freaking limb and gain months of rehab and healing along with it. But, that doesn't happen anymore. Now, I just see nothing, just a dreamless sleep, and never anything else. I've even, apparently, started taking naps in the middle of the day that reach upwards of/around 3 hours. According to my 'darling' twin brother of mine, this means I'm depressed and anti-social. All I have to say to that is: "This coming from the boy who much rather prefers his camera and scenery's then social interaction, and by the off chance that someone is intentionally in the photo, it's always either me or Toono". He usually shuts up after I pull that one, either in shock or he's simply just fed up with me and my antics, it could be any of those reasons (most likely the second one). Besides, you can't really blame me, I mean, I get really worn out from physiotherapy and rehab, and healing does take a sizeable toll on an amputees energy levels throughout the day. No matter how many times I tell him that, it just goes through one ear and out the other with him. Or so it seems

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