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16 years oldShe is reserved and doesn't like talking to people because of her past and keeps to herself

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16 years old
She is reserved and doesn't like talking to people because of her past and keeps to herself. Although very smart and top student in all her classes, she was sorted into Gryffindor. She never knew why and always felt like she was supposed to be in Ravenclaw. Scarlett loves reading, completing homework and practicing spells and potions in her spare time. The only person she would speak to is her twin sister Nicolette or the ghost; moaning myrtle and even though her sister had friends she didn't get along with them considering one of her friends is a Slytherin. Inside she is a kind hearted sole who never wants to do wrong to anyone and would do anything for the people that were closest to her. Although very reserved and not having friends, Scarlett is a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team and prefect. Playing quidditch was her way of getting any anger out of her and that made her the best chaser of her year and she loved the adrenaline it gave her whilst playing and the wind hitting her face at high speeds.

16 years oldon the other hand was sorted into Hufflepuff and was very popular at Hogwarts mainly for growing the best weed in Hogwarts but also from her kindness and outgoingness

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16 years old
on the other hand was sorted into Hufflepuff and was very popular at Hogwarts mainly for growing the best weed in Hogwarts but also from her kindness and outgoingness. Unlike her sister Nicole wasn't very smart and failed most of her classes, mainly to the fact that she would ditch most of her classes to go smoke weed and mess around with her best friends; Misha Kozlova, a 15 year old Hufflepuff, and Nina Willows, a 16 year old Slytherin. On the inside, Nicole was broken but nevertheless was a very kind person and always put other people's health and wellness before her own.

Although they were twins, Nicole and Scarlett didn't look alike, even though both the girls had flaming red hair like their mother

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Although they were twins, Nicole and Scarlett didn't look alike, even though both the girls had flaming red hair like their mother. Scarlett had very pale skin and a short chubby face, plastered in freckles all over. She had narrow bright blue eyes topped with thick, dark eyelashes. Her eyebrows were thick and natural like her mothers . Her cheeks and noes always had a red tint to them like she had just came back from being out in the winter air. Her noes was slim and bobbed, her lips thick with a dark pinky-red to them. Scarlett's hair hit the middle of her back and it was always wavy but she would never wear it down and would always bin it back into a little bun at the back of her head with two little strands that would fall at the sides of her face.

Nicole on the other hand was pale but was still a little tanned. She had a long slim face with a sharp jaw line and only had freckles over her noes area. She had narrow hazels eyes with long thin eyelashes and her eyebrows were thin and hardly visible but Nicole always drew them on with makeup to make them look thicker. Her cheeks (like her sister) always looked like she came in from the winter air. Her nose was also slim but her lips were thin and covered in a light pink tone. Her hair was always long and dropped to the end of her breasts and always would wear it down unless she was doing something where it would be in the way.

 Her hair was always long and dropped to the end of her breasts and always would wear it down unless she was doing something where it would be in the way

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Scarlett and Nicole were only eight when their mum had passed away. Their dad went into a deep depression and blamed both Nicolette and Scarlett for their mums death and used to hit them and beat them but he too had passed away whilst the girls were in their first year of Hogwarts. Nicolette cancelled out the trauma by smoking lots of weed all the time so she was almost always high but Scarlett didn't really have a way of dealing with her trauma and she suffered from PTSD and didn't trust people so she would always flinch and squeal when people would come anywhere near her, this caused everyone to call her a freak and all sorts of names. Most people never wanted to be friends with her. After both parents died they didn't know any other family members and had nowhere to live so Dumbledore gladly allowed the girls to stay at Hogwarts on the holidays but Nicolette didn't stay at Hogwarts she would always stay at a friends house so Scarlett was almost always alone all the time.

Quiet girl - - George Weasley ⚠️⚠️mention of abuse and PTSD⚠️⚠️⚠️Where stories live. Discover now