Chapter 3

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It was the next day and classes had gone as usual

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It was the next day and classes had gone as usual. It was now time for dinner, she walked with her sister and waited for her outside of the great hall. she didnt like eating her dinner in the great hall it was too crowded for her and every time someone would move, she would flinch So she just decided It would be best for her to sit in the library to eat.

she was finishing up my dinner when she heard someone walk through the library doors, she looked over to see George. SHIT. she had completely forgot about this study session thing. she put her knife and fork on the plate and wipe her mouth with the tissue that was lead on the table. She picked her plate up and stood up from her chair.

"oh, sorry I completely forgot the time, I was just about to take my plate to the kitchen you can wait here if you like. she started to walk towards the exit when she heard George from behind her.

"I can take it for you if you like. People are coming out of the hall now and it might be a bit crowded." she looked at George to see he was giving her that smile. Damn that smile. Her knees started to feel weak, so she quickly just placed the plate on the table for him to grab and went back to her reading.

she was sat reading on her own when she heard foot steps by the entrance of the library she looked up with a bright smile on her face only for her to notice that it wasnt George, it was Alex and his Slytherin posy. Fuck. SHIT. Well, this isnt going to end well.

"Oh.... look what we have here boys, the freak of the school." Alex spat through his teeth.

"What we going to do to her today Alex?" one of his rather chubby short friends spoke from behind his ear.

she tried to speak as normal as she could, trying to show she wasn't scared but all that came out was "please" well done Scarlett so much for not acting scared she thought to herself. Alex started to slowly walk closer to her. she started to grip the sides of her chair trying to keep her face as normal as she could but on the inside she was scared for her life...

"Oh, I don't know... maybe I'll hit her like her father did." and with that she saw Alex lift his hand and go to hit her. She shut her eyes as tight as she could and put her hands up to her face for cover. She could feel the panic attack coming and that was all she could remember.

she started to get flash backs of her dad hitting her and her sister every memory she ever had, they flooded back. She could feel the pain of every belt whip and slap all over my body.

She tried to pull myself out of it think about something else up she couldnt, the pain was too much and she felt the hot tears start to stream down my cheeks. She felt her breathing start to become heavy and her throat close up it felt like someone was strangling her and she was straggling to catch her breath. With that her whole body started to shake and she could hear the faint sound of her feet tapping against the floor. There he was again running at her with his blet in his hand, he pushed and she fell onto the floor and she watched as he raised the blet in the air and the next thing she heard was.

"Open your eyes and look at me NOW!" as she slowly removed her hands and opened her eyes, Alex stood there with his hand just inches away from her face.

"Look at you... your pathetic." He spat with a disgusted look on his face as he went to fake hit her again, she covered her face back up and flinch away to the opposite way of his hand and she heard a little whimper leave her lips in between her harsh breathes. She tried to pealed for him to stop but all that came out was "Please... d-don't dddo... this."

"what a disgrace to the wizarding world." Alex and all his friends started to laugh and call her all sort of names.

As she looked up, she could just about make out that they were leaving through my blurred vision. She listened as the laughs from him and his friends got quieter as they headed for the exit. As soon as she couldn't hear them any longer, she let out all of the tears she was holding in. She let her mind dive into the bad comments she mad about herself

I hated myself for this maybe if I was as strong as Nic maybe I wouldnt be like this.

It is my own fault maybe if I just trusted people, I wouldnt have been like this

Maybe if I didnt look like my mother nothing would have happened to me.
It all my fault.

I deserve everything that has ever happened to me

Once again, sounds of footsteps approached her. She looked up from her lap but couldn't make out who it was. She thought it was Alex coming back to torture her even more. She whimpered out "please don't hurt me." Whilst throwing her arms over her face as a guard. But she heard a different voice. A deep but sweet voice "Hey... hey it's me, it's George don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" she lowered her arms slowly.

"I'm going to come near you okay but my arms will be pinned behind my back is that okay." He said in a worried but sweet tone. Scarlett simply nodded not able to get any words out as her breathing had become more fast and she started to shake frantically all over." Okay tell me what you need, do you have any medication that stops this panic attack?" Scarlett breathed out a 'no' as audible as she still wasn't able to breathe. Her tears started to slow and she started to relax slightly at his voice but she still couldn't breathe. She looked up at him and could see the stress and worry in his eyes.

That's when Scarlett felt his lips press against hers, she hesitated to pull away but the warmth against her lips was inviting and soft. She stopped shaking and felt the heavy weight lift off her chest. Her breathing had become contained. She started to kiss him back and he turned his head to go into a deeper kiss. They both pulled away to catch their breath. Locking eyes, she quickly looked down to see a smile and his lips swollen. Scarlett had just realised what she had done. Out of pure shock, she rushed up from her seat and ran out of the library.

She ran straight back to the Gryffindor tower and back up into her dorm. She plonked herself on her bed, running her thumb across her bottom lip. She blushed. The feeling of butterflies fluttered around inside her stomach. She realised that she actually liked his lips against hers and she didn't regret not pulling away. For the rest of the night all she could think of was the sight of him, his soft lips against hers and the only thing she did regret that night was running away from him.

I would like to say a big thank you to Dumbledaddyswh0re05For help and the idea for this chapter 😊😊

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I would like to say a big thank you to
For help and the idea for this chapter 😊😊

Quiet girl - - George Weasley ⚠️⚠️mention of abuse and PTSD⚠️⚠️⚠️Where stories live. Discover now