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Information on y/n:

Quirk one: Invisible touch

Uses: Anything you touch with your left hand can become invisible.

Quirk two: Switch

Uses: If you touch yourself then someone else with your right hand you two will switch bodies.

A/n:This story will follow the original story line at times but not though out the whole fanfic.


"Here I am." You said to yourself looking up at the big door for class 1-A. You slowly slid the oversized door open and seen people socializing. 'This isn't quite what I was expecting for a hero course class.' You thought internally.

You scanned the class to see who would be best for a potential friend. A messy haired boy with green hair, a girl with headphone plugs on her ears, a girl with horns, a invisible girl, a guy with a bird head, and a boy with half red and half white hair.

Wait, half red half white?! You gasped, 'It can't be him' you thought taking a seat next to a boy with a lightning bolt in his hair.

"Hey," said the boy. "I'm Kaminari."

"Hi, I'm L/n nice to meet you." You said giving him a smile.

"Your pretty cute L/n how about I take you on a date some day."

"Uh...I'll think about..." you said.

"Everyone sit down." Yelled a guy with glasses. "Our homeroom teacher could enter this room at any second!"

"And who the hell are you telling us what to do!" Shouted an ash blond haired boy

'I guess this is how the next three years of my life are going to be.' You thought.

Soon a man in a sleeping bag inched his way into the class room.

"Good morning everyone." Said the man in a sleeping bag. "Please come up and  introduce yourself to your classmates."

You waited until it was your turn to go up and introduce yourself.

"Psst, L/n it's your turn." Kaminari whisped.

You made your way to the podium at the front of the room. Before you started you took a deep breath. "I'm L/n, Y/n" you said then return to your seat.

After a few more people someone familiar to you went up. "I'm Todoroki, Shoto." He said.

'No way Shoto, as in the one from all those years ago!' You screamed internally.


"Hi Shoto!" You yelled running up to him.

"Hi Y/n!"Young Todoroki said slowing his swing.

"Guess what, guess what." You said jumping up and down.

"You brought soba for us to share." He said with a smile.

"No," you said with a fake pout. "I got my quirks this morning!"

"Really that's so cool," he said jumping off the swing. "let me see them."

"My first quirk can make anything I touch invisible." You touched the swings.

"Ahh!" Yelled a kid in the distance yelled. "That kid!!! They're swinging on nothing!"

You continued "And my second quirk can make two people switch places." You touched Todoroki then yourself. "See?"

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